Click button below for special weekly postings from Sr. Sue.
Dominican Retreat
and Conference Center
- * For 12 Step Programs, please see link on left sidebar*
Day/Evening Presentations
Hybrid Presentation "Sleep is Not Enough" 4/11/25
In House Presentation "Walking in the Spirit" 4/30/25
In House Mixed Media Journaling Workshop "Versions of Madonna" 5/1/25
In House Girl's Night Out "Life is a Circus" 5/9-10/25
Hybrid Mark Rust Coffeehouse 5/18/25
In House Retreat to the Movies "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" 5/21/25
Hybrid Presentation "All Creation Reveals God's Love: Praying with the Nuns of Helfta" 5/28/25
Hybrid Presentation "The Gift of Generations" 6/3/25
In House Program "Cardmaking" 6/20/25
Hybrid Presentation "Pilgrims of Hope: A Journey of Renewal & Reflection" 6/21/25
Book Clubs
Zoom series "A Busy Person's Book Club" 5/5 - 5/9/25
Lenten Scripture Study via Zoom “You plotted evil against me...but God turned it into good...Genesis 50:19” 4/1, 4/8, 4/15/25
Lenten Lectio Divina via Zoom 4/1, 4/8, 4/15/25
In House "Soup and the Stations" 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16/25
In House Yoga Series 5/6, 5/13,5/20, 5/27/25
Ongoing Prayer Opportunities -
HYBRID Sung Vespers in the Spirit of Taize -
VIRTUAL "Centering Prayer"
VIRTUAL Pause for Peace
Day and Evening Programs