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Dominican Retreat

and Conference Center

Thoughts on Prayer from the DRCC

                                   March 22, 2025

Recently, I had some minor knee surgery.  I found myself, at one point, having to ice one part of my leg and warm another part with my trusty rice bag.  I began to think about cooling and warming, and how both were necessary in healing.

And so I prayerfully ponder:

~ Where in my life, my relationships, my community, my world do I need to “cool” my speech, my attitude, my actions?

~ Where in my life, my relationships, my community, my world do I need to “warm” my speech, my attitude, my actions?

God, give me the grace to know when to speak and when to listen, when to act and when to be still, when to be passionate about my perspective and when to be open to other possibilities…that healing my happen!

Be well and be at peace!

                                March 15, 2025


Every now and then I have a crazy week with a lot to accomplish or focus on. I have finally started to learn to take a break, even when that doesn’t seem to make sense. (God showed us by resting on the seventh day.)  Taking a break may look like taking a walk, or taking a nap, taking some prayer time, talking to God or talking to a friend, or simply moving away from screens for a bit.

So let us pray for the grace to pause and take a break:

 ~ May our bodies be renewed by rest

 ~ May our minds be renewed by a change of focus

 ~ May our spirits be renewed by beauty or quiet or kindness

May our gracious God renew us in all ways when we pause from all our activity so that we may return to all that is before us refreshed and reenergized!

Be well and be at peace!

                                  March 8, 2025

The message I have been hearing these past few weeks from multiple settings is, "Go slow." We live in a very fast paced, get it done world. Sometimes we need to remember that "slow and steady wins the race" and that when we slow down, we are more attentive to the process, to what is going on around us, and to other helps along the way. 

So let us pray: 

 ~ For the grace to slow down

 ~ For the grace to pay attention to this moment

 ~ For the ability to give ourselves permission to go slow

 ~ For the ability to slow our steps to the pace of another

May this Lent be a time of intentional slowing down to hear God's voice in the midst of all that is going on around us.

Be well and be at peace!

                                   March 1, 2025


Do you have any scars?  I have some little ones from where I burned myself by accident when cooking.  I have some bigger ones from when I have had surgery.  Scars remind us of the various pains, brief or prolonged, that have healed.  We also have scars that we don’t see -  interior scars from experiences where we have been wounded by another in some way during our life’s journey.

So let us pray with our scars:

          ~ For all those physically wounded and in need of healing

          ~ For all those who have wounds we cannot see

          ~ For all medical professionals and counselors that help us heal the wounds we experience throughout our lives

          ~ Take some time to look at your scars, to remember and to be grateful for the healing that has taken place

         ~ May our scars  be a reminder that the Divine Healer has been and will always be with us – tending to all our wounds, that we may be whole.

Be well and be at peace!

                                February 22, 2025 

                                                  ~ Guest writer, Sr. June Fitzgerald, OP


This week, we’ve been praying for our Holy Father, Pope Francis who has pneumonia and is hospitalized.  People around the world have been holding vigil, sending prayer intentions, offering Masses and Rosaries for Pope Francis.  So, let us take a few moments to lift up our minds, hearts, and hands in prayer for Pope Francis and all who are ill at this time. 

Be well, and be at peace. 

                                 February 15, 2025


Given the weather this past week, with snow and ice and wind and rain, I have been mindful of all of those who make our roads safe to travel, as well as those who assist travelers.

So we pray…

          ~ for the snow plow drivers

          ~ for the tow truck drivers

          ~ for the utility workers called out in weather emergencies

          ~ for the police, troopers, fire fighters, EMTs and ambulance drivers
        …may they remain safe in inclement conditions as they do their best to make sure the rest of us can travel in safety!

Be well and be at peace!

                                 February 8, 2025

This week, the Fifth-grade students from St. Madeleine Sophie School were here for a retreat day.  Our theme for the day was “Peacebuilders Lead with Respect”. So I thought I would offer us some prayers around the topic of respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat our family and friends with respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat teachers, coworkers, and supervisors with respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat all who serve us in any way, from the cashier in the grocery store to our elected officials, with respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat those who think, look, and believe differently than ourselves with respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat all that we have or own with respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat our Earth and all creation with respect.

~ We pray for the grace to treat ourselves with respect as the precious children of God that we are!

Be well and be at peace!

                                  February 1, 2025


At times, life and the world around us can feel a bit chaotic or overwhelming.  I found myself saying this to God recently in prayer and I thought I would share it with you.

“God, today, help me to do my best, and to be my best self.”

Be well and be at peace!

                                   January 25, 2025


This past week at a ministry meeting, one of the topics that kept coming up was listening. So praying about listening seems only appropriate this week!

~ We pray for the grace to listen to another well, without spending half the time preparing our response.

~ We pray for the grace to listen with an open mind to those whose views are different from ours.

~ We pray for the grace to listen carefully to our own hearts.

~ We pray for the grace to listen attentively for the voices that remain silent and for those without a voice.

~ We pray for the grace to listen respectfully to our Earth.

~ We pray for the grace to listen humbly to that still, small voice of God within.

Be well and be at peace!

                               January 18, 2025

 I spent my retreat near a river…and did a lot of river pondering and praying!

When and how is my prayer like the river?

  ~ flowing freely

~ frozen over

~ breaking free from the ice

~ low with dry river beds on the edges

~ full to over flowing

What life is teeming in my “prayer” river?

What is uncovered when the river begins to dry up?

What sources feed my river?

May our God, who is the Water of Life, continue to teach us the lessons of the river!

Be well and be at peace!

                                January 11, 2025

Sr. Sue's Thoughts on Prayer will resume on January 18th!

                                 January 4, 2025

Sr. Sue's Thoughts on Prayer will resume on January 18th.  We hope you all had a safe, happy and blessed New Year!

                                December 28, 2024

This is a holy time of the year for so many in our world!

Christmas day has come to an end but in the Christian calendar, the season continues through the Feast of the Holy Family and Epiphany.

Our Jewish friends have begun Hanukkah which will continue through the New Year.

Our African American friends have begun the celebration of Kwanzaa which also continues into the New Year.

Those who follow the Hindu tradition have just finished the celebration of Diwali in the not too distant past.

Each of these celebrations focus on Light in some form or other.

As we begin this New Year, may we be Light for others, and shine that Light into a world that desperately needs it!

Be well and be at peace!

***Sr. Sue will be on personal retreat. Thoughts on Prayer will resume on January 18th***

                               December 21, 2024


During these holiday times, I find that there are a whole lot of emotions swirling around. So, I thought we could pray with these emotions.

~ For the children (big and small) who are overflowing with excitement.

~ For those who are frantic with preparations.

~ For those who are cherishing memories of holidays past.

~ For those who find the holidays painful.

~ For those who are beginning new traditions with family or friends.

~ For those who are sad or grieving due to loved ones at a distance or no longer with us.

~ For the peace of knowing that we are loved by many, but mostly by the One who created us! 

May you be keenly aware of God’s loving embrace during this Holy Season!

Be well and be at peace!

                              December 14, 2024


As the days have become much colder, I’ve been getting some coats ready to give away. Sometimes I find it is too easy to collect coats for any occasion or any temperature in the coat closet. Now is the time to share with those who have none.

~ Do you have a coat that was a gift from someone, but you really don’t wear it? Pray for the giver and gift it to someone in need.

~ Do you have a coat that no longer fits…but maybe someday? Ask God to help you love yourself as you are now, and gift that one to someone in need.

~ Do you have a coat that you keep because of sentimental reasons? Hold onto the memory and ask God to help you decide how best to honor that memory.

~ As you send some coats away, pray for those who will receive them gratefully during this winter season.

~ And pray for those who are doing all they can to survive the cold. May God wrap them in the love and care of others they do not even know!

Be well and be at peace!

                                December 7, 2024

 As our Advent Silent retreat begins, I was thinking about how much I connect silence with this season.  The hush of the snow falling.  The expectation of tucking into winter and advent music.  It has been said that “God’s first language is silence.”  So I thought I would revisit praying with silence.

So here are some ways to pray with silence:

~ Sit in a quiet space to spend time with God.  Don’t say anything to God.  Just be in God’s presence and let God love you – like sitting in a sunny spot on a wintry day.

~ Make time in your day for quiet – maybe just 5 or 10 minutes.  Simply listen and allow God to feed your soul in the silence.

~ Take some time to be technology free.  See what God has to say when all the distractions are muted.

~ Challenge yourself to be silent in a conversation where you really want to prove your point.  Ask God to help you be quiet and really listen to the other person before deciding how to respond.

~ Ask God to help you know that silence is not something to be endured, but is a gift waiting to be unwrapped!

Be well and be at peace!

                                 November 30, 2024

Thanksgiving Day followed by Black Friday always seems like a jolt to my system.  We spend time with family and friends giving thanks for all the blessings in our lives, and then the consumer world works really hard at convincing us that we need more…and at such deals!

Today let us pray:

~ to be content with the loving relationships in our lives

~ to be content with the “things” that allow us to live comfortably

~ to be willing to share with others any abundance we have

~ to be willing to give our time and presence to someone who is alone

~ to reject the pressures that tell us we need more

~ to reject the pressures that tell us we need to be more

May we give thanks to God for all the gifts bestowed on us each day!

Be well and be at peace!

                                 November 23, 2024


If my Dad were alive, he would be turning 99 today.  I have been thinking about him and remembering a life well lived.  Birthdays are a day to celebrate life here and hereafter! So let’s pray with birthdays:

~ Pray for all who celebrate a birthday today.

~ Pray for those who don’t like to celebrate their birthdays.

~ Pray for those who have no one to celebrate with.

~ Pray for those who don’t have the means to celebrate.

~ Pray for all those who have gone before us,  who celebrating with us in a very different way.

~ Pray in celebration and thanksgiving for all those whose lives have touched ours.

Give thanks to God for the gift of life!

Be well and be at peace!

                                November 16, 2024

Sr. Sue is meeting with the sisters in Kentucky.

Thoughts on Prayer will return next Saturday.

Be well and be at peace!


                                November 9, 2024

 God has created a world filled with incredible diversity - plants and animals and peoples. And God saw that it was good! We live in homes, communities, countries, and a world filled with people with diverse ideas, values, hopes and dreams. So let us pray for those around us: 

~ Pray for someone who gives you hope

~ Pray for someone who annoys you

~ Pray for someone who nurtures you

~ Pray for someone who challenges you

~ Pray for someone who loves you 

~ Pray for someone who you dislike

~ Pray for someone who shares your values 

~ Pray for someone who has hurt you

~ Pray for someone who understands you

~ Pray for someone who baffles you

~ Pray for someone who matters to you

~ Pray for someone who has no one to pray for them 

And God saw that it was good!

Be well and be at peace!

                                  November 2, 2024

 In the Catholic tradition, today is the Feast of All Souls – a time when we commemorate all those who have gone before us, joining the cloud of witnesses, the communion of saints. Many traditions honor ancestors in a variety of ways. Today, I share with you my favorite prayer of remembrance, a poem from the Jewish tradition:

At the rising of the sun and at its going down,

        we remember them.

At the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter,

        we remember them.

At the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring,

        we remember them.

At the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer,

         we remember them.

At the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn,

        we remember them.

At the beginning of the year and when it ends,

          we remember them.

When we are weary and in need of strength,

          we remember them.

When we are lost and sick at heart,

          we remember them.

When we have decisions that are difficult to make,

          we remember them.

When we have joys we yearn to share,

         we remember them.

So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us,

         as we remember them.

~ Poem by Rabbi Sylvan Kamens and Rabbi Jack Riemer

Be well and be at peace!

                                October 26, 2024

 Last week, I woke up to find the moonlight from the full moon shining on the foot of my bed. It immediately gave me a feeling of being wrapped in a warm hug from someone I loved - God watching over me as I slept. I thought about the fact that the light from the moon is reflected light from the sun…onto me.

Today, may we pray for those who shine their light on us…

And may we pray for those onto whom we shine our light

May this light always be a reflection from a loving God, wrapping all in warmth, security, peace, and tranquility.

Be well and be at peace!

                                October 19, 2024

I thought I would continue with our topic of storms.  It seems to me that storms can be both physical and emotional and the actual physical storms that we described last week (like hurricanes) can also be a metaphor for the storms in our own personal lives.

Here are some ways to pray with other types of storms:

~ Pray for those who struggle with addiction on a daily basis.

~ Pray for those who are adjusting to new limitations due to age or illness.

~ Pray for those who are struggling with a particular relationship and may be holding a grudge.

~ Pray for those who struggle with some form of mental illness.

~ Pray for those who may be trapped within their own thoughts, convictions, or perceptions.

~ Pray for those who may feel trapped in their own lives - circumstances, living situation, financial situation, or work situation.

~ Pray for those who have no means to escape the storms within.

May God’s peace calm all storms and return us to a place of peace and security.

Be well and be at peace!

                                  October 12, 2024

 I thought we could continue to pray with the recent storms and decided to do so by revisiting an earlier edition of Thoughts on Prayer:

Thousands of lives have been left in turmoil after the storms have passed.  We do our best to help where we can and when the next one comes along, we focus on the new area leaving the previous area to continue cleaning up and rebuilding their lives. 

~ Pray for the people in the areas where hurricanes/storms have passed through this year…and then pray for those who are still rebuilding their lives from the havoc of storms in previous years.

~ Pray for those who study or predict storms in an effort to help people prepare and move to safety.

~ Pray for those who risk their lives to help move people to safety

~ Pray for those who provide safe shelter from the storms

~ Pray for those who work to restore power, bring water, provide food, move debris, cover damaged roofs, help rebuild homes, provide medical care

May God’s peace calm all storms and return us to a place of peace and security.

Be well and be at peace!

                                 October 5, 2024

Many are reeling from the effects of Hurricane Helene, and so we pray: 

~ For those who have lost their lives

~ For those who have lost a loved one, friend, neighbor…

~ For those who have lost their home, school, workplace, place of worship

~ For those who have lost their community

~ For those who have lost hope

May our gracious God give us the means to give, be, do all that we can to be instruments of renewing hope!

Be well and be at peace!

                               September 28, 2024

I find this time of year challenging.  I never know what clothes to put on in the morning because the days start out chilly, warm up considerably (or not) and then cool down again.  It got me thinking and praying about clothes!

~ We pray in gratitude for the clothes we have.

~ We pray for those without sufficient clothing.

~ We pray for the animals, and plants that provide resources for our clothing, and we give thanks for the sharing of their wool, cotton, flax, etc.

~ We pray for weavers and designer of fabrics, and we give thanks for the beauty they create.

~ We pray for sew-ers and manufacturers of clothing – may they receive just wages for their work.

~ We give thanks for the ability to express ourselves through the style of what we wear. Our God delights in each and everyone of us and the diversity we bring to this world!

Be well and be at peace!

                                September 21, 2024

 Have you ever had one of those days that turned out to be a lot more hectic than expected? When things finally start to slow down, I find that I just want to “not think” for a while – to be “thought-less”.  Now I know that it is impossible to turn our brains off.  But might I suggest sitting down in your favorite chair with a cup of tea and being thought-less with God?  Tell God all about your crazy day until the thoughts are done tumbling out. Then just sit in the peace and quiet with the warmth of the mug in your hand, and the warmth of God’s presence in your heart, and let any additional thoughts trail off into the distance. Enjoy the moment for as long as you can before getting up and beginning again!

Be well and be at peace!

                               September 14, 2024


I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time at the ocean last week. I enjoyed watching the changes to the beach as the tide came in and out. Every day the beach grew and reduced in size…AND at the same time, the shape of the beach changed – different tidal pools, different ridges. It reminded me how our lives too are in constant flux, affected by the “waves” of all that is happening around us.

And so, we pray to be flexible and open to all those relationships and circumstances that shape our lives each day.

~ We pray for discernment of when to remain solid like the rocks withstanding the waves, and when to go with the flow, allowing the waves to subtly shape and reshape our lives.

~ And we pray to always remember that in the midst of constant interior and exterior change, in the midst of all the forces affecting our lives, that there is one constant, one thing that never changes – God’s enduring love and care for each and every one of us!

Be well and be at peace!

                                September 7, 2024

We welcome Sr. Sue back home from vacation on Monday.

Thoughts on Prayer will resume Saturday, September 14th.                              

                                  August 31, 2024

Air plants are fascinating things to me. I have tried keeping some of them growing over the years. Sometimes I have had better luck than others. One of the things I realized is that the ones with more roots survive much longer. It is amazing to me that they get pretty much all they need from simply sitting in the sun and sticking their roots out, in between getting dowsed with water a couple times a week.

Perhaps this week, we can take a lesson from the air plants:

        ~ Take some time to bask in the “sun” of God’s love

        ~ Bring yourself, just as you are to prayer,

            letting your “roots” hang out – ready to absorb all they need

        ~ Let yourself get dowsed with grace occasionally

May you continue to flourish under the care of the Divine Gardener!

** Sr. Sue will be on vacation, basking in grace and rest this coming week. **

                                  August 24, 2024

I’ve been rearranging some furniture in one of the rooms of the convent. The walls are the same, the windows, the paint - all the same. But moving the furniture around has given it a different feel, a different focus, and a different energy. It has made it new again.

Sometimes, I think our prayer life needs that – a little rearranging.

Maybe we need to try a different prayer type?

        ~ try revisiting something from our past? (ie pick up our journal again)

        ~ try something we’ve never done before? (ie centering prayer)

Maybe we need to add an additional time of prayer to our day, or try a different time?

Maybe we need to look at some things we enjoy and see them as prayer for the first time? (ie gardening, cooking, knitting)

Spiritual rearranging can shift our focus and renew the energy in our most important relationship…with our God!

Be well and be at peace!

                              August 17, 2024

Tomorrow (Sunday, Aug 18th) we conclude our 75th anniversary year with our Sundaes on Sunday open house and ice cream social event.

We are so grateful for these past 75 years and all who have blessed this ministry through their presence on these grounds.

As this year draws to a close, perhaps you will take time in your prayer to offer your gratitude to God for all the people, places and situations you, yourself have experienced in your life this past year.

In addition, I invite you to join us on Sunday, Aug 18th anytime from 12-4 for make your own sundaes, mini concerts, tours, Tomie stories and activities, face painting, and a used book sale! We hope to see you there!

Be well and be at peace!

                               August 10, 2024

 We recently celebrated the feast of St. Dominic. Given the strange beliefs circulating at the time, Dominic chose to preach the truth of the Gospels. And so, one of the mottos of the Order is "Veritas" or truth. I have come to believe that each person holds a piece of the truth. 

So let us pray...

     ~ For the grace to always seek out truth

     ~ For the wisdom to listen to the truth of another

     ~ For the courage to speak our truth

     ~ For the strength to live our lives in love - true to our calling

               and to God's dream for our world!

Be well and be at peace!

                                August 3, 2024

 We need rain. Not a hard, fast shower or storm that helps a little but mostly runs off the sun-dried Earth. We need a gentle rain. One that lingers and soaks into the earth slowly - reaching the roots of all the plants, and refreshing the soil and all the vegetation.

And isn't prayer like that? We have our daily prayer routines that get us through each day, which are good and helpful. And yet, we need longer deliberate times of prayer - a hike, a Sabbath day, a retreat, a camping trip, a technology free day or weekend - time where we can be quiet and simply let God's presence soak into our very being, reaching the dry spots and refreshing our soul.

May you make time to experience the gentle rain of God's love!

Be well and be at peace!

                                 July 27, 2024

One of our retreatants recently received a heart transplant.  It was a reminder to me of all the people that give and receive the gift of life.  So let us pray:

~ For those who are waiting for a transplant, may they remain strong enough and hopeful during the wait.

~ For those who have received a transplant, may they regain their strength as they revel in this new gift of life.

~ For all doctors, nurses, technicians, transport people and all who are part of the transplant team who make it happen.

~ For all who make a choice to be an organ donor.

~ For all who have died –

     those awaiting a transplant
     those giving organs as a result of their death
     those who have died post-transplant

~ For all who grieve the death of a loved one.

May we always remember that life is fragile and be grateful for this gift of life, however long or short, that comes from God our loving Creator. 

Be well and be at peace!

                                  July 20, 2024

Like in many areas of the country, there has been some severe weather here recently. During one retreat, we were under a tornado watch and needed to discuss with the folks on retreat what our safety plan was should it move to a warning. 

I thought this week, perhaps we could pray for safety in its many needed forms: 

~ For those seeking safety in the midst of active war and war torn areas.

~ For those who are not safe in their communities due to race, gender, religious or political beliefs.

~ For those who are not safe in their home due to physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or financial abuse. 

~ For all, young and old, who are bullied in their schools or work places. 

~ For those who are not safe due to severe weather or inadequate housing in the elements.

~ For those who struggle to be safe from doing harm to themselves. 

May God our loving Creator and Protector lead all to a place of safety and security through the awareness, compassion, and ability of those around them. 

Be well and be at peace!

                                  July 13, 2024

I don’t know about your area, but around here, the weather has been a tad unpredictable.  Forecasts of 24-hour rain, turned out to be 5 minutes where it didn’t even get wet under the trees.  And yet there are other days where a “slight chance” turned into a torrential downpour for hours.

Let us pray for all who are “weather-dependent”:

~ For those areas of the world that are afflicted by drought.

~ For those areas where heavy rains simply run off or create mudslides.

~ For those whose livelihood depend on “good” weather – farmers, builders, all those who labor outdoor.

~ For all who are rebuilding homes and communities after tornados, hurricanes, and storms of any kind.

~ For all weather forecasters who do their best to predict that which is ever-changing and unpredictable.

~ For all of creation that is so influenced by all we, as humans, have exploited, manipulated, and tried to harness on this earth.

May the God of all Creation grace us with that which we most need.

Be well and be at peace!

                                  July 6, 2024

Having just experienced the 4th of July, I was thinking about how we use the word “freedom” - sometimes lightly and sometimes brandishing it as a way to defend an action or opinion. And yet the implications of freedom are very profound.

Let us pray for freedom:

~ freedom for those who live surrounded by violence

~ freedom for those who are paralyzed by fear

~ freedom for those who are trapped by unjust systems

~ freedom for those who live in poverty

~ freedom for those who are struggle with addictions

~ freedom for those who are constricted by physical or mental illness or


~ freedom to practice our faith

~ freedom to be respected regardless of race, creed, gender, sexuality, age

~ freedom to be seen and treated with dignity for the person that we are

May these freedoms bring us to a peace within ourselves, with each other, and with our world.

Be well and be at peace!


                                June 30, 2024

 Every night I make a To Do list for the next day, but I find that rarely the day ever goes as planned. Sometimes I think God wants me to keep working my “flexibility” muscles.

In order to be flexible, I need to:    

  ~ Let go of my agenda

  ~ Pay attention to the moment

  ~ Ask God for patience and/or help

  ~ Trust that what has come up is exactly what I need to be doing

So how about a flexibility prayer:

“God, please help me to let go of what I think I need to be doing, in order to be present to what this moment calls me to. Give me all I need in order to attend to the way in which this day is unfolding. Allow me to see and experience the unexpected graces and blessings you have in store for me. At the end of the day, help me to focus not on the tasks that did not get done, but be grateful for that which did!”

Be well and be at peace!

                              June 22, 2024



                                       Sr. Sue's "Thoughts on Prayer" returns next week!

                              June 15, 2024

Next week I’ll be at a meeting with our Sisters in Columbus.  Traveling reminded me of a blessing I learned when I entered the convent.  Anytime someone was going on a trip of any significant length, we would wave them off with the following:

May St. Anthony guard and guide you on all your journeys, long and short!

Perhaps you will add it to your prayer repertoire as family and friends are going off on vacations!

(Thoughts on Prayer will return in two weeks.)

Be well and be at peace!

                                 June 8, 2024

Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like there are more and more crazy drivers on the road these days. I think it calls for some prayer!

~ Let’s pray for all drivers – may we be respectful, patient, careful and courteous in our driving.

~ For all student or beginning drivers – may they take their new skill and freedom seriously and drive safely.

~ For each aging driver – may they be aware of any increasing limitations and humbly make a prudent decision about when to “give up the keys”.

~ During areas of construction and times of inclement weather – may we be patient and proceed with caution.

~ For all who share the road with us - bicyclists, dog walkers, joggers – may we be aware of each other and keep each other safe.

~ For those who find themselves on the side of the road due to mechanical issues or accident – may aid come quickly.

~ For all who service or patrol our roads to keep us safe  - we give thanks!

Be well and be at peace!

                               June 1, 2024

I had to buy sneakers this week. It’s always a challenge as I have a hard time finding shoes that fit my feet just right. It got me thinking about our feet…so let’s pray!

~ Take a few moments to close your eyes and picture all the places your feet have carried you to –

~ When have they moved quickly to take you or someone else to safety?

~ When have they held you up as you stood waiting forever for something?

~ When have they been so cold that you couldn’t feel them, or so hot that you could barely touch the ground?

~ When have they delighted your spirit wading in a cool spring or standing in the dewy grass?

~ When have they ached from injury, age, or overuse?

Let us give God thanks for our feet and for the journey they have taken us on!

Be well and be at peace!

                               May 25, 2024

I like making soup. It's not an exact science. You can add what you like. You can experiment. You can use up what you have left over. A little bit of this. A little bit of that. 

Sometimes I think my prayer life is like that. Certain prayers catch my heart for a while. Certain people catch my heart for a while. Certain situations in my life, in my family, in this world catch my heart for a while. It all melds into the soup of the day. 

So, take some time to think about what's in your prayer soup this day. And on this Memorial Day weekend, may we remember all those who have in the past, as well as those who, right now, spend their time serving our country. Let's make them the main ingredient in our soup this day!

Be well and be at peace!

                                May 18, 2024

Last week, at one of our gatherings here at the retreat house, someone suggested that we should pray with “old friends”.  I like the idea, so here goes!

~ We pray for friends we had in our youth – those we played, studied and grew up with.

~ We pray for our friends who supported us through times of transformation and personal growth.

~ We pray for friends who impacted our thoughts, our beliefs, our values, our self-esteem, our understanding, and our spirituality.

~ We pray for friends whose lives touched ours for either long or short times, but who left and impression on our hearts.

~ We pray for friends who we no longer have contact with due to geography or changes in life circumstances.

~ We pray for friends who have gone on from this life to the next.

We thank our gracious God for the gift of these friendships!

Be well and be at peace!

                                May 11, 2024

As we prepare to celebrate Mother’s Day, I wanted to share with you a prayer that meant a great deal to my mom as an Associate of the Dominican Sisters of Peace.

Prayer for Peace

Ever Creating God,
Still Point of Eternal Peace,
stir up within us
your dream that all may be one.
Free us to be instruments of your peace.

Jesus, Word birthed from creative love
Word spoken and broken,
Unending Word of Peace,
enable us to be preachers of that Word,
bearers of the message of your peace.

Holy Spirit of Unfolding Peace,
Breath of God’s love,
enkindle in us the desire to be
embers of your peace
with a passion that will set the world on fire.


Teresa Tuite, OP     Dominican Sisters of Peace

Be well and be at peace!

                                 May 4, 2024

Thoughts on Prayer will return next week, 5/11/24.

                                           April 27, 2024

Due to the recent death of Sr. Sue's mother, Thoughts on Prayer will resume at a later date. Please remember the family in your prayers.

                                 April 20, 2024

Friends of mine recently went to Disney for vacation. It is a place that allows your imagination to run free! 

Here are some ways to pray with your imagination:

~ Read a scripture passage and allow yourself to become part of the story. What is God saying to you through what you experience there?

~ Take a walk with God. What does God point out to you on the journey?

~ When you get in the car, imagine Jesus in the passenger seat. What conversation do the two of you have? 

And always remember that God loves us more than we can ever imagine!

Be well and be at peace!

                                 April 13, 2024


The eclipse, this past week, brought thousands of people together – all focused on the wonders of creation.  Let’s let these words from the book of Daniel be our prayer this week!

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord;

angels of the Lord, bless the Lord;

O heavens, bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, all waters above the heavens;

all you powers of the Lord, bless the Lord;

sun and moon, bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, O stars of heaven;

rain and dew, bless the Lord;

every wind, bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, O frost and chill;

ice and snow, bless the Lord;

nights and days, bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, O light and darkness;

lightning and clouds, bless the Lord;

O let the earth bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, O mountains and hills;

every plant, bless the Lord;

O you springs, bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, O you springs;

seas and rivers, bless the Lord;

every creature of the waters, bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.


Bless the Lord, all you birds of the Lord;

creatures wild and tame, bless the Lord;

let the whole human race bless the Lord;

praise and exalt God forever.

Be well and be at peace!

                                 April 6, 2024

In these days between winter and spring, I find our house is sometimes chillier as the heat doesn’t come on as often. On those nights I like to tuck my blankets in tight around me.  And I started to think about praying with tucking in:

~ For all children, that they be tucked in each night, knowing that they are safe and warm and loved.

~ For all who for all who have no warm bed or warm blankets

~ For those who are scared of the dark.

~ For those who live on “high alert” never knowing if they are safe.

~ For those who are alone and are without loving relationships to support them in their lives.

May we each experience the love of God wrapping us, enfolding us and “tucking us in – safe and warm and loved”!

Be well and be at peace!

                               March 30, 2024


Sometimes we just feel empty.  Holy Saturday is an empty kind of day. The feeling of loss without yet a feeling of resurrection.  An in-between no-thing.

And so we pray with empty:

~ For all those who are grieving and feel an emptiness in their lives.

~ For all who struggle with mental illness, and experience an emptiness of feelings.

~ For all who are overwhelmed, and feel empty of energy.

~ For all who are lonely, and experience an emptiness of relationships.

~ For all who are oppressed in any way, and experience an emptiness of justice.

~ For all who despair, and are empty of hope.

May the empty tomb of Easter fill our hearts and lives in ways beyond all imagining!

Be well and be at peace!

                              March 23, 2024


In the Christian tradition, we celebrate Palm Sunday tomorrow – a remembrance of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, as well as his passion and death. With the ongoing war between Israel and Gaza, we pray again for all experiencing violence, death, grief and hardship in those regions.

And so we pray:

~ We pray for all parents whose children are dead, injured or missing.

~ We pray for all children whose parents are dead, injured or missing.
We pray for all whose family members, neighbors, friends, teachers, faith leaders, are dead, injured or missing.

~ We pray for all who struggle with silence, as they await word from loved ones living in war torn areas.

~ We pray for all who have no place to live, no food to eat and no water to drink.

~ We pray for an end to the violence.

Be well and be at peace!

                              March 16, 2024

Tomorrow is the feast of St. Patrick. And although many celebrate the day with various festivities, our Celtic brothers and sisters share with us a rich spirituality. Our prayer this week, is a portion of one known as St. Patrick's Breastplate.

"As I arise today,
may the strength of God pilot me,
the power of God uphold me,
the wisdom of God guide me.
May the eye of God look before me,
the ear of God hear me,
the word of God speak for me.
May the hand of God protect me,
the way of God lie before me,
the shield of God defend me,
the host of God save me.
May Christ shield me today. 

Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit,
Christ when I stand,
Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                            March 9, 2024

 I was away for a meeting recently and forgot to water my houseplants before I left.  When I returned home, to say they were a tad droopy was an understatement.  They need regular watering, just like our souls need regular prayer time or we too become “droopy”.


~ We commit ourselves to a regular time of prayer sometime in our day.

~ We pray in the manner that best feeds our soul.  As a dear spiritual director once ingrained in me, “Pray as you can. Not as you can’t.”

~ We pray for the grace of self-awareness, and the courage to explore new ways of feeding our soul and growing in our relationship with God.

~ We pray in gratitude for those who walk with us in our spiritual journey, nurturing and companioning us along the way.

~ We pray for all those whose spirits and souls are drooping.  May our prayers and our deeds nurture and strengthen them.

Be well and be at peace!

                             February 24, 2024


Once or twice a year, I might decide to get a scratch off lottery ticket – just for the fun of it.  I purchased one recently and it got me thinking about prayer…what can I say? It had me wondering if I sometimes pray like I scratch off a ticket – in hopes that the result of my prayer will be the exact outcome that I want – a win so to speak.  Or, that the result of my prayer will feel good, and I will know without a doubt that God was present.

But prayer is not a cause and reward, it is building a relationship with this God who loved me into being.

So, this week, as you pray, perhaps you want to consider:

     ~ How do you pray?

     ~ Why do you pray?

     ~ Who do you pray to?

     ~ And what is that relationship between you and God like?

Be well and be at peace!

                               February 17, 2024

This week we had both Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday happen on the same day.  Interestingly enough, both days are about our hearts!  In light of these events, I thought I would offer a few questions for our reflective prayer this week.

Ash Wednesday asks us…

~ How is my heart?

~ Are there ways in which I need to bring my heart back into alignment with God’s?

Valentine’s Day asks us…

~ Who do I give my heart to?

~ How fully do I give my heart to that person? those people? God?

May God bless our hearts this week!

Be well and be at peace!

                               February 10, 2024

It’s Superbowl weekend. You may be rooting for one team or another.  You may simply see it as a reason to enjoy a good party with friends.  You may want nothing to do with it.  I thought I would use is as the topic for our ways to pray!

~ For all teams, from pee-wee leagues to pro, may the players find enjoyment in playing the game.

~ For those who win, may they show good sportsmanship and not become arrogant.

~ For those who lose, may they be proud of their efforts.

~ For all who see life as win/lose situations, may God give them the grace to see/find/strive for solutions that benefit all.

~ For those who want God to take our side in divisive situations, may we remember that we are ALL beloved children of God.

Be well and be at peace!

                              February 3, 2024


Today is the day in the Catholic tradition that we bless our throats – the Feast of St. Blaise.  And with all the colds, coughs, flus and covid going around, I thought it was not a bad thing to bring to our consciousness.

~ For all who are feeling sick with these short-term annoying illnesses, may their throats, lungs and bodies, soon heal.

~ For those with serious ailments of the throat, may they know God’s embrace as a treatment plan is formed.

~ For singers and speakers, may their voices be clear and strong.

~ For those who are unable to speak for themselves, may that have good advocates and allies in their lives.

~ For those who feel that they have no voice, may they find the strength to speak their truth.

Be well and be at peace!

                               January 27, 2024

We finally took our Christmas tree down, last week.  The needles were getting a tad dry and falling off if you touched them.  But there was something remarkable that I have never seen before. The top of the tree and all the tiny branches toward the tip, had new growth!  What a surprise to see new life coming out of what was seemingly dead.

So, let's pray for new life in difficult places:

~ For children who live in poverty and uncertainty struggling to succeed in school

~ For those addicted to alcohol, drugs, food, gambling who are struggling to live a life of recovery

~ For those who are homeless, jobless struggling for some financial and physical stability

~ For seeds in sidewalk cracks, trees and flowers who struggle to grow in places of devastation

May God give them the will and the strength to succeed!

Be well and be at peace!

                               January 20, 2024

I so enjoy omelets to order!  The thing about an omelet to order is that it allows me to pick and choose what I am most desiring in the moment.  Sometimes I get boring and choose the same mixture each time for awhile.  Sometimes I add an additional item.  Occasionally, I change it up completely.

It made me think about how I pray. I have a whole “refrigerator filled” with types of prayer or ways to pray. 

One type of prayer is my foundation – it is the “eggs” and it is consistent – daily.

For me, other types of prayer become those additional ingredients, added to my prayer time, depending on how I want to communicate with God in that moment. Some of the prayers I learned growing up, remain with me, but as an occasional ingredient. Some styles of prayer served me during a particular time of my life. While still others, are added frequently.

This week, I invite you to think about how you prayer.

What does your spiritual omelet look like?

Be well and be at peace!

                                January 13, 2024

A good friend of mine died recently. And one of the things I realized is that tears are a wordless prayer.

Tears express to God without words:


     ~ That this person was in my life

     ~ That I have so many wonderful memories

     ~ That I learned so much both from them and about myself


     ~ That I don't have more time with them


     ~ For the grief their family and friends are experiencing 

Sometimes our prayer to God is simply our tears.

Be well and be at peace!

                                 December 30, 2023

 Despite the rain outside my window, this is generally the time for hats and gloves and scarves, and often given as gifts. I thought this could be the starting point of our prayer this week.


~ We pray for all those who need protection from the elements - cold or snow, rain or scorching sun (baseball caps included).

~ We pray for all the minds underneath those hats. May we use our minds wisely, think with clarity, and make good decisions based on solid values, integrity and sound motivation.


~ We pray for the warmth and protection of all hands.

~ We pray that the dexterity of our fingers be used to extend kindness and compassion, aid and support, constructive creations and beauty.


~ We pray for the warmth and protection of our throats.

~ We pray for the guidance and courage to use our voices to encourage and affirm others, stand up for ourselves and those with no voice, and speak out against injustice and oppression.

May each donning of hat and gloves and scarf become a silent prayer for you this week!

Be well and be at peace!

** Dear Friends, Next week, January 7th, we will have our program reminders, but there will not be a Thoughts on Prayer as I will be away on retreat... praying!   ~ Sr. Sue **

                             December 23, 2023

On this, the eve of Christmas eve, let us pray for peace!

~ For peace in all the war-torn parts of our world – Gaza, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, and all other areas that do not make the news headlines.

~ For peace in communities struggling with violence, poverty, racism and divisions for any reason.

~ For peace in our schools and universities, workplaces and places of worship.

~ For peace in our homes and in relationships.

~ For peace in our hearts.

~ May God give us the graces of tolerance, acceptance, understanding, forgiveness, compassion, and kindness.

Be well and be at peace!

                              December 16, 2023

 As we approach the shortest day of the year in our part of the world, it is no wonder that so many religions have celebrations that include light. A candle in the darkness is no small thing!

So let us pray with light:

~ For all those who live in darkness due to poverty, may we bring light.

~ For those who live amidst the darkness of war, may God find a way infuse the conflicts with the light of peace.

~ For all our leaders, may they rely on God for enlightenment.

~ For those who are overwhelmed, may we lighten their burden.

~ For those who are lonely, grieving, afraid or in need of hope, may we be light.

Be well and be at peace!

                               December 9, 2023


A teacher-friend of mine was recently telling me about a book she was sharing with some of her students. The main character would play a game of sitting in the dark and listening to the sounds around them. It made me think that in prayer, we often try to block out the sounds around us. This week, perhaps we could notice them and pray with them instead!

~ If you hear traffic, pray for safety for travelers.

~ If you hear your refrigerator humming along, thank God for the food you have to eat, and pray for those whose refrigerators are empty.

~ If you hear the heat click on, pray for those who do not have sufficient heat in their homes, and for those who work out in the cold.

~ If you hear a bird chirping, pray for all of God's creatures.

~ If you hear family members roaming around the house or neighbors outside, pray for them specifically.

~ If you hear...pray for…

Be well and be at peace!

                               December 2, 2023

Recently, one of our sisters arrived at the airport to lead a retreat… but her luggage did not!  It led to an afternoon and evening of waiting and hoping and wondering and planning, interspersed with some non-descript messages from the airline. What a perfect set-up for us to pray with waiting!

So let us pray:

~ For all expectant parents, awaiting the birth of a child.

~ For all those waiting for the results of medical tests.

~ For all those waiting to hear about employment.

~ For all those who are frustrated or impatient waiting for an answer of some kind.

~ For all those who are enduring the slow process of healing.

~ For all those who are waiting to see God face to face.

~ For the grace to wait in hope of things to come!

Be well and be at peace!

                              November 25, 2023

 In this season of Thanksgiving, I share with you a quote from our Dominican brother, Meister Eckhart:

          ~ If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.

Be well and be at peace!

                             November 18, 2023

 Often, my prayer is simply a conversation with God about anything going on in my life. The conversation may happen in my head, or on paper in my journal, or out loud to the seemingly empty passenger seat of my car. In whatever form it takes, it's simply a conversation with someone I love and trust, and who loves me unconditionally.

The conversation may start like:

Good morning...


God, I'm worried about...


Ok God, today was just...


Wow! Thank you for...

You fill in the rest. The important part is to just have the conversation. Say your part, and don't forget to allow time for God to respond back!

Be well and be at peace!

                             November 11, 2023

Some days I find that life comes at me faster than I could imagine. Questions, deadlines, calls, emails, errands, projects follow one right after the other.

Here are some of my prayers on days like that:

 ~ God, help me to stop and take a breath and remember that you are with me.

 ~ God, help me to focus on just the very next thing.

 ~ God, help me to remember that I can say, “Can you please wait a minute while I finish this first?”

~ God, help me to remember that I can say, “I’m sorry, but I can’t add one more thing to my list today.”

~ God, help me to say, “No”

~ God, help me.

Be well and be at peace!

                               November 4, 2023

Showers are a wonderful thing that serve a multitude of purposes!  Besides cleansing my body, a shower can calm me down or wake me up (depending on circumstances).  A shower can help to figuratively wash my worries and concerns right down the drain.  I also get some of my best ideas in the shower.

Here are some ways to pray in the shower:

Allow yourself to be present to the water washing over your body:

          ~ Bring to mind what weighs most heavily on your heart. Ask God to wash away any worry you are carrying right down the drain.

          ~ Notice any tension in your body. Ask God, who created this body, to help you relax and release any tension so that your body can serve you well this day. Release that tension right down the drain.

~ If your brain is foggy, ask God to shower you with grace and awaken your senses so that you are alert for whatever is next in your day. Wash the fogginess right down the drain

~ If an idea or solution pops into your brain, thank God for the gifts of clarity and insight.

~ Allow the life-giving water to be a baptismal reminder. Revel in the delight of being a precious child of God

Be well and be at peace!

                             October 28, 2023

It’s almost Halloween – so I thought I would revisit a prayer from a few years ago:  As a kid, we dressed up as something scary, or a hero heroine we admired, or something funny, or something creative or practical.  Haunted houses were decorated with skeletons and tombstones and spider webs.  Can we pray with that? Yes we can!

Here are some ways to pray with Halloween:

~ There are a lot of things that scare us right now.  Say a prayer for those who are afraid.

~ There are a lot of heroines around us: doctors, nurses, teachers, bus drivers, grocery store clerks, firefighters, police and the list goes on. Say a prayer for their safety and strength.

~ It is easy to get caught up in the serious issues surrounding us and in our lives.  Say a prayer for those who remind us to lighten up and enjoy life too.

~ And those empty haunted houses – remember those who have no house this day because of fire or flood or loss of a job.  Say a prayer that they have a safe place to be this night.

~ Skeletons and cobwebs?  Is there something that is within you or clinging to you that you can’t let go of.  Ask God to help you forgive or accept or let go – whatever is needed.

~ Graves? May we be mindful of all who have died and all who mourn.

Be safe when you go out, and allow all you see and experience on this Halloween evening lead you into some deeper reflection.

Be well and be at peace!


                          October 21, 2023


I cannot even begin to understand all that is happening in the Middle East. The history, beliefs, understandings, conflicts, politics, and faith experiences create an incredibly complex situation. What I can do is pray.

And so we pray:

~ We pray for all parents whose children are dead, injured or missing.

~ We pray for all children whose parents are dead, injured or missing.

~ We pray for all whose family members, neighbors, friends, teachers, faith leaders, are dead, injured or missing.

~ We pray for all who struggle with silence, as they await word from loved ones living in war torn areas.

~ We pray for all who have no place to live, no food to eat and no water to drink.

~ We pray for an end to the violence.

Be well and be at peace!            

                             October 14, 2023

I have a figurine in my prayer space of a child holding a balloon with "hope" written in it. Many years ago, it fell and its other hand broke off. I've kept it because it reminds me that when I'm broken, I'm most in need of holding onto hope.

So let's pray for those who may be struggling to hope this day:

~ We pray in hope that peace will come to the many war-torn areas of our world.

~ We pray in hope that those rebuilding their lives after fire, earthquake, flood and hurricane will once again have a place they can call home.

~ We pray in hope that those fleeing their homes and countries in order to live in safety will find welcome.

~ We pray in hope that those living in poverty will be helped by the good and just decisions of our policy-makers.

~ We pray in hope that those struggling with addictions will find freedom in a life of recovery.

~ We pray for those who do not dare to hope.

Be well and be at peace!

                                 October 7, 2023

There are so many simple ways to pray that can be helpful throughout our day.  I have shared this breath prayer with you before:

~ Take a few intentional breaths.  As you breathe in, think “Acceptance” and as you breathe out, think “Surrender”

Recently we had the opportunity to work with the K through 5 grades at a local catholic school on a peace building project.  We adapted the prayer for the kids:

~ When you need to calm down, or make a decision, put your hands on your heart.  As you breathe in, think “Jesus” and as you breathe out, think “Peace”

Whether age 5 or 11, every child was able to do this prayer and the classroom became quiet for a few moments.

So, this week, I offer you the breath prayer once again.  Use these words or words of your own choosing, and find some peaceful, prayerful moments throughout your day.

 Be well and be at peace!

                             September 30, 2023

When I meet someone at an advanced age, I don’t always think about what they were like in their younger years. Visiting my mom in the nursing home, I walk down a hallway of residents in their beds or wheelchairs and notice their names on bedroom doors. Later, when I read an obituary of one of these folks, I get to see a fuller picture of their lives.  Sometimes I’m surprised, and then embarrassed that I’m surprised.

So let’s pray for the senior members of our community:

~ For all the older members in our families, communities, our places of worship.  We thank God for your gifts and your wisdom.  May we always remember to honor your lives.

~ For all the elderly who live alone, and are reluctant to ask a neighbor or family member for help.  God, give us the grace to notice your need and offer to assist.

~ For those who are in care facilities, dependent on others to care for the most humbling of needs.  May we treat you with dignity and respect.

~ For those who have a story to tell, a life to share, a bit of wisdom and experience to impart. May God give us the grace to take the time to listen well.

~ For all those who care for our elderly and infirmed, whether professionally or as a family member.  May God give you the strength, patience, and grace in every moment.

Be well and be at peace!

                             September 23, 2023

Every now and then, when we have a plumbing repair in the retreat house, they have to shut the water off.  You know this routine.  When they turn it back on, you have to run the water to get all the sediment run through…and you have to take those screens off the faucet so the little stones can come out.  In the retreat house we have over 60 sinks, 10 showers and 15 toilets. And then they have to be put all back together.

It's a project worth praying through!

Yup, this became our prayer starter:

~ For all the people throughout the world who do not have plumbing for clean water to drink

~ For those who live in areas where their water is polluted by chemicals or old pipes

~ For all plumbers who help us make needed repairs and save us in times of water and sewage emergencies

~ For all those tedious tasks that require our attention at unplanned moments

~ Give thanks to God for the gift of clean water, source and sustainer of life, and for those many people who help to bring it into our communities and into our homes.

Be well and be at peace!

                               September 16, 2023


I am a bug magnet! If there is one mosquito in the room, it will find me. Last week I was up in the Adirondacks for a few days. It was absolutely magnificent! ... I also got eaten alive. Oh well, it was worth it. The itching for the week after, while annoying, also was a reminder of the beautiful days I had out in creation.

I thought we could use this as our prayer starter:

~ Think of the little things that “bug” or “annoy” you. Ask God for the grace to help you let them go and focus on the beauty around you.

~ Think of the people that get on your last nerve and seem to always be heading straight for you. Ask God for the grace to see the good in them.

~ Think about any nagging negative ideas about ourselves or others or situations that play out in our brains, over and over again, causing us to feel uncomfortable or “less than” or in need of further attention. Ask God to be the healing, anti-itch cream restoring us to sanity and wellness.

~ Thank God for the “bugs” in our lives who allow us to embrace our humanity in all its glory!

Be well and be at peace!

                               September 9, 2023

It’s back to school time, and I have had students – young and old – in my heart and prayer these days.  It reminded me of when I was studying for my comprehensive exams for my master’s degree.  Someone gave me a prayer from St. Thomas Aquinas, patron saint of students, to pray every time I began my studies for the day. Although the language is Thomas’, the sentiment rings true.

The Prayer of St. Thomas

~ Keenness of Comprehension

~ Ability to Retain

~ Method and Ease in Acquiring

~ Precision in Interpreting

~ Plenteous Grace in Speaking and Writing

Be well and be at peace!


                           September 2, 2023

I don’t know about you, but I think this summer has just flown by! Where did the time go? Then I look at this incredible Jade plant that I have in my bedroom.  I marvel at the fact that I started it from one leaf about 15 years ago and it has simply grown slow and steady over the years.

I thought we could pray with time:

~ For all those moments when we feel time has passed too swiftly, God allow us to be grateful for what is fleeting.

~ For those experiences where we feel like time is dragging on, God help us to recognize the slow steady and subtle growth that may be happening.

~ For the ability to be open to an unexpected and spontaneous moment.

~ For the grace to recognize the wisdom we have acquired over the years.

~ For patience and the true understanding that God’s time is not our time,… and the freedom that comes from accepting this truth!

Be well and be at peace!

                             August 26, 2023

 I’ve been watching a spider outside my window for a few weeks. She has been creating a web, and recreating the web, … and recreating the web.  It has been fascinating to watch her dexterity and perseverance when weather has broken it apart.

 I thought we could pray for all who build in various ways:

~ For spiders and all creatures who build webs and nests in order to create places to trap food or give birth to their young.  We honor your creations.

~ For architects and engineers who design buildings, machines, computer chips, and more.  We honor your creations.

~ For those who construct buildings, furniture, vehicles, roads, bridges and more.  We honor your creations.

~ For those who knit, crochet, sew, quilt, weave, and more.  We honor your creations.

~ For children, students and dreamers who build with blocks, scissors and paper, imagination and ideas.  We honor your creations.

~ For the grace of perseverance in whatever task we attempt to accomplish. May God help us to try and try again as we create in the midst of sometimes challenging circumstances.

Be well and be at peace!

                                August 19, 2023

I know that we have prayed for the wildfires in the not too distant past, but given the recent events in Hawaii, I think some of it bears repeating.

Let us pray for all affected:

~ For all those working to extinguish the fires by land or by air, may they be successful and stay safe in the process.

~ For those who are grieving loved ones and neighbors who have died, may they know God’s loving embrace

~ For those who are awaiting the news of loved ones and neighbors who are still missing, may they remain hopeful

~ For all that is destroyed by the wildfires – the trees and plants and animals, may we honor their existence.

~ For the tens of thousands affected by the smoke and ash in the air, especially those who have health conditions that already make it hard to breathe, may they have places where they can breathe easily.

~ For anyone who has lost their homes, business, school, or place of worship to fire, may they find a community of support in the rebuilding.

~ For each of us, that we be conscientious of the conditions around us and the things that might spark a fire in dry conditions, may we always treat the gift of fire with respect.

Be well and be at peace!

                               August 12, 2023


Tomorrow, we celebrate 75 years of ministry here at the Dominican Retreat and Conference Center.  Below is the prayer that was created from the heartfelt thoughts of many of you. Please join us in prayer throughout this joyful year!

Dear God, as You sit with us at each Table and Seat,

   May we continue to offer Hospitality to all we meet.

Dear God, as You are Present in these Hallowed Halls,

   May we continue to hold your Box of Treasures in our capable hands.

Dear God, as You Plant with Tenderness Seeds of Knowledge and Wisdom,

   May we continue to Nourish ourselves and others with Prayer and Humility.

Dear God, as You provide this Sacred Space,

   May we continue our efforts to Heal and Embrace.

Dear God, as You come to us in Nature, Places, and People,

   May we continue to Love with Care and Understanding.

Dear God, as You Bless our Ministry of Service and Worship,

   May we continue the Dream of Mother Catherine de Ricci, OP.

Dear God, as You Sing and Celebrate at this Banquet of Prayer,

   May we continue to Praise You with Shouts of Joy and Share!


We invite you to join us for our Eucharistic Celebration Sunday, August 13

2:00 at St. Kateri Parish – 1803 Union St. – Schenectady, NY  12309

Be well and be at peace!

                                August 5, 2023

Naps are a wonderful thing!  As a child, I resisted them.  As an adult, they are a rare and treasured commodity.  My dad, could nap at the drop of a hat, and power nap.  Me, not so much.  I need to know I have a little time to really allow myself to get into it. 

I came up with a napping prayer:

God, rest my tired body.  Allow me to get up renewed and refreshed.

God, rest my busy mind.  Allow me to awake with clarity and focus.

God, rest my weary soul.  Allow me to arise, strengthened by your Love and your Spirit abiding within me.


Be well and be at peace!

                                  July 22, 2023

 I was at the nursing home this week, praying with my mom who is no longer verbal.  When we started the Our Father, she immediately spoke and joined the prayer. It was a prayer that was deep down inside her from childhood, and it immediately touched into that place in her where she connected with God.

We all have “root” prayers – either that we learned as a child, or that became a touchstone through the years.

This week, I invite you to focus on your root prayer – the foundation of your connection with God.

Be well and be at peace!

*"Ways to Pray" will not be published next Saturday, July 29th.  We will resume on August 5th.*

                                 July 15, 2023

This past week, we celebrated the feast of St. Benedict.  Someone shared the following prayer attributed to him.  I liked it so much, I thought I would pass it along!

Gracious and Holy Father,

give us the wisdom to discover You,

the intelligence to understand You,

the diligence to seek after You,

the patience to wait for You,

eyes to behold You,

a heart to meditate upon You,

and a life to proclaim You,

through the power of the Spirit of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

– St. Benedict

Be well and be at peace!

                                 July 8, 2023


A few days ago, our news reported that, having taken into account countries throughout the world, it had been the hottest day recorded on the Earth.  I thought it appropriate to revisit an earlier Thoughts on Prayer regarding climate change.

~ We pray for our ice caps and glaciers that are melting at an alarming rate.

~ We pray for our coasts that are eroding due to increased storms, and for those who have no place to live or no means to move elsewhere.

~ We pray for areas of drought, areas where crops are no longer able to grow, and for those who are hungry and losing their livelihood as a result.

~ We pray for birds of the air, fish of the sea, and animals of the land whose migration patterns have been disrupted leading to their rapid diminishment.

~ We pray for the air that we breathe and the water that we drink which are both retaining more contaminants.

~ We pray for coral beds that are dying and species that are becoming extinct, creating breaks in a delicate food chain and loss in the diverse beauty of creation.

~ We pray for our leaders, our businesses, our neighbors and ourselves. May we be good stewards of this precious world we have been given and make good choices for its survival and ours.

 Be well and be at peace!                      

                                                                                                               July 1, 2023

I have been thinking, recently, about all those folks whose job is to look out for us – for our safety, for our care and for our protection - many of whom put their own lives in danger to help or protect us.

So let’s pray for these first responders:

~ For those in law enforcement - police, state troopers, sheriffs’ departments

~ For all firefighters

~ For EMTs and paramedics

~ For forest rangers and all rescue workers

~ For all medical professionals

~ For all those in any branch of national service – National Guard, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard

We give God thanks for all you do for us!

Be well and be at peace!

                                   June 24, 2023

As I was laying on the floor doing some exercises, I noticed some really great clouds in a marvelous blue sky outside my window.  And I realized that I don’t look up much.  I look at the path before me and where my feet are going to land next.  I look in front of me to see where I am going.  I look behind me and around me to see what else is around.  But I don’t look up as much as I should.  There are a lot of great things that are up!

So let’s pray with up:

~ Take some time to watch the clouds as they transform in size and shape while floating by. Think about how your life is ever changing and transforming.  Ask God to be the winds beneath the billowing clouds of your life.

~ Notice our flying brothers and sisters – blue jays and crows, hawks and eagles, starlings and geese, owls and bats. Give God thanks for the beauty and variety of our flying friends, and for the inspiration they have given us for flight.

~ Stand beneath a tall tree and look up. Notice the canopy of leaves or needles that reach toward the sun, clean our air, and provide us with oxygen.  Thank God for the mosaic of green as you listen to the soft rustle of leaves.

~ Look for a rainbow after the rain. Remember God’s promise of hope symbolized by the rainbow.

~ Look up at the night sky – to the stars, the planets and the moon. Notice what difference those sparks of light add to the night sky. Feel your soul stretching toward the light.  Thank God for all those who have been sparks of light along your journey.

 Be well and be at peace!

                                June 17, 2023

This week a friend and I repotted some plants.  One was a very prickly cactus and required 2 sets of hands in order to move it without injury to it or us.  So I thought we would use the repotting theme for our prayer.

~ Think about the areas where you are “rootbound”, where your life feels stuck, stagnant or confined.  Ask God for the courage to stretch your roots into new soil just a bit.

~ Transplanting can be quite a shock, and immediate watering is necessary. Look at the areas where you may be making changes.  Ask God to help you be gentle and nurturing with yourself as you move into a new experience, a new relationship, a new belief, a new awareness.

~ Sometimes we cannot make a move on our own.  Ask God for the grace to ask for help during the challenging times or times of change in your life.  Thank God for those friends, family members, mentors, guides, counselors, and sometimes complete strangers that show up at the right time and place.

~ Plants automatically move toward the sunlight. Make sure you keep the eyes and ears of your heart pointed toward God.

Be well and be at peace!

                                   June 10, 2023

Many areas of our continent are being affected by the wildfires in Canada.

Let us pray for all affected:

~ For all those working to extinguish the fires by land or by air, may they be successful and stay safe in the process.

~ For all that is destroyed by the wildfires – the trees and plants and animals, may we honor their existence.

~ For the tens of thousands affected by the smoke and ash in the air, especially those who have health conditions that already make it hard to breathe, may they have places where they can breathe easily.

~ For anyone who has lost their homes, business, school, or place of worship to fire, may they find a community of support in the rebuilding.

~ For each of us, that we be conscientious of the conditions around us and the things that might spark a fire in dry conditions, may we always treat the gift of fire with respect.

Be well and be at peace!

                                June 2, 2023


Last weekend I spent a day pressure cleaning our front porch. I noticed a few things: 1) It was very satisfying to see the grime wash away. 2) I clearly used muscles that had not had a work out in a long time. 3) I could not think about anything else while I was doing it. 4) It was VERY LOUD and whenever I stopped, I was so grateful for the quiet sounds of the birds in the trees and daily life going on around me.

So I’m taking the challenge of praying with the pressure cleaning:

~ Sometimes we allow things to cling to us – other peoples’ opinions or judgements of us, resentments, regrets, negative self-messages.  Ask God to wash away any of that negativity so that we can breathe freely and look forward to living fresh each day.

~ Is there something you have not done in a long time or something new you would like to try?  Ask God for the grace to stretch whatever “muscles” are needed for the situation – courage, risk, openness, curiosity, possibility, imagination…

~ Sometimes we just need a break from our own thoughts. Ask God to help you figure out what activity helps you to just be in the present moment. Invite God to share in that time and activity with you

~ Notice the “NOISE” around you, and notice as that quiets at various times of the day, the gentle gifts of sound that become evident in the quiet.  Give God thanks for those little whispers of life.

Be well and be at peace!

                             May 27, 2023

On this Memorial Day weekend, let us pray…

~ For all who have fought in any war

~ For all military families and families of veterans

~ For all who suffer from the effects of war, both soldiers and civilians

~ For all whose lives have been changed by war

~ For all who are left homeless as a result of war

~ For all those who refused to fight

~ For peace in our world and an end to all war, intolerance, injustice, oppression, greed and hatred

Be well and be at peace!

                            May 20, 2023

Now, I know that God is with me in all that I do, but that does not make me immune from forgetting and getting myself all wrapped up in the projects of the day and worrying about how some things are going to work out.  Eventually, God does a, “HELLO!!!!” and makes God’s presence REALLY obvious so that I will actually take notice.  Something falls into place, a situation is resolved, and my worry is replaced by relief.  My prayer response is something like, “Oh wow God, you DID take care of that!” like it was something new.

So let’s pray to open our eyes and hearts to God working in our lives:

~ For the ability to recognize the hand of God in the activities of my life, in both the very obvious and the subtle manifestations.

~ For the ability to entrust the worries and concerns of my heart to God’s care knowing that I never have to accomplish or fix anything on my own.

~ For the ability to believe that God is in charge, not me; and that, with God, all things will work out.

~ For the ability to gently laugh at myself, when I forget all of this and God has to remind me yet again!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                            May 13, 2023

Our courtyard has become home to at least 2 nests recently.  The mourning doves took over an empty flower pot and the robins chose the top of a drainpipe.  Watching the nests has given me joy and hope and a little concern that all goes well for our baby birds!

So let’s pray where the nests lead us:

~ For those who are searching for a place to call home – a place that they can raise their children in safety and comfort.

~ For all expectant parents, that they hold all the emotions of love, hope, fear, and wonder in their hearts as they attend to this new life within.

~ For new parents as they delight in their children growing strong and spreading their wings.

~ For those whose nests are empty, may they be content with and consoled by all they have passed onto their children.

~ For those who grieve a barren nest or a life ended too early, may they know the comfort of God’s love through those around them.

And may God, the Father and Mother of us all, nurture, protect, encourage and embrace our giftedness as we journey through each day of our lives.

Be well and be at peace!

                                May 6, 2023

I was down with a stomach bug briefly earlier this week.  Never fun, but it does not last forever…and of course, it became an opportunity for our prayer.

~ Let us pray for all those who are ill (short term or long term). May they know God’s healing.

~ For those who are elderly or alone and have no one to help them or advocate for their needs when they are not well. May God send observant and caring hearts to assist them.

~  For those with no access to adequate medical care, necessary medications, or health insurance.  May God give us the ability to see and change systems that will aid those most in need.

~ For all our health care professionals. May they be able to use their God given gifts for healing with compassionate care for their patients in the midst of a highly structured system.

~ And may the Divine Healer embrace whatever part of our body, mind or soul is most in need of healing presence this day.

Be well and be at peace!

                               April 29, 2023

Some days I think the weather has no idea what season we are in!  We have gone from 30 to 90, back down to 50 and 40, back up to 70, and then down again.  The poor plants don’t know whether to bloom or crawl back underground.

So I thought we could pray for those in different seasons of their lives:

~ Spring ~ For all those newborn babies and toddlers – may they grow up strong and healthy, knowing that they are loved, cared for, and safe.

~ Summer ~ For all our young people - may God guide their minds and hearts as they learn and absorb as much as they can while growing and exploring this magnificent world of wonder and the people around them.

~  Fall ~ For all the “adults” – may they use the gifts and talents God has given them for the common good, especially at the service of those less fortunate.

~ Winter ~ For all our elders – may their wisdom enlighten us, their perspective challenge us, their limitations call us to compassion, and may God embrace them tenderly at life’s end.

~ And may the seasons of creation continue to be God’s classroom for the seasons of our lives!

Be well and be at peace!


                               April 22, 2023

I like cooking dinner in the crock pot.  All I have to do is throw everything in and turn it on. (And make sure it is plugged in!) Then it cooks long and slow making the house smell great until a delicious meal is ready at the end of the day.

Yes, the crock pot gave me some prayer ideas:

~ When I am impatient and want God to answer or do something right now, may I remember that God’s timing is not my timing.  I may have to wait a very long time for a resolution.

~ When I am struggling with a project or situation, may God help me to let it simmer until I can come to an acceptable completion or resolution.

~  When I am out of sorts and nothing seems to going right, may I remember to “plug in” by stopping to take a breath and ask God for help with what is in front of me.

~ At the end of the day, can I look back and thank God (a truly remarkable chef) for all the “delicious ingredients” that have filled my day!

Be well and be at peace!

                               April 15, 2023

Here in the Northeast, it seems we went from winter almost directly into summer! But what was most striking were the barren trees and brown earth springing to life.  There is color all around – all shades of green grass and leaves, blossoming hyacinths and daffodils, flowering trees.  It is a feast for the eyes and a balm for the winter weary soul.

So let’s pray with color:

~ We give thanks to God for the bursts of color in nature, healing and soothing our souls.

~ We give thanks to God for the ability to see the beauty in the diversity of colors growing together side-by-side.

~  We pray for the grace to see the beauty in the diversity of all those we see around

us – differing shades of skin, of hair, of eyes

~ We pray for those who are non-sighted - who teach us how to really see and describe what is around us, while challenging us to use our other senses.

~ We give thanks for all the ways we experience color in our lives – in the clothes we wear, the food we eat, the paint we put on our walls, the art that attracts us.

May we allow the “True Colors” of our lives  to enrich the beauty of this God-given world around us each and every day!

Be well and be at peace!

                           April 8, 2023

In the Christian tradition, this is Holy Saturday – the time after Jesus has been crucified and before his resurrection.  His early followers had to be experiencing an array of conflicting emotions.  I can picture them thinking, “I just don’t understand!  How could this happen?”

Today we pray with that sentiment:

~ For those whose family members have died as a result of war, violence, earthquake, blizzard, flood, tornado, illness, accident.

~ For those whose homes, businesses, schools, places of worship have been destroyed by war, violence, earthquake, blizzard, flood, tornado.

~ For those who have sat in a doctor’s office receiving an unexpected diagnosis.

~  For those who have survived a vehicle or other type of accident.

~ For those who have lost employment or services that allowed them to provide for themselves and their families.

~ For all who have cried out, “I just don’t understand!  How could this happen?” 

May God hold them in a loving embrace and lead them to the hands and hearts around them, ready to help and support.

Be well and be at peace!                       

                           April 1, 2023

Apparently, I still have food on the mind! As I was grocery shopping, yesterday, I thought, “I do this so much, that it’s time to turn it into a prayer!”

Here are some ways to pray with grocery shopping:

~ As you prepare your shopping list, say a prayer for those with limited resources – those whose list is dependent on how much money they have to spend at that moment.

~ Notice the beautiful colors of the fresh produce. 

   Pray for the farmers whose lives are dependent on changing weather.

   Pray for those who harvest the fruits and vegetables, moving their

   from farm to farm following the work with each growing season.

   Pray for the packers and truckers who bring it to our stores.

~ Pray for the ranchers, farmers, fishers and butchers who care for and/or prepare the animals that will nourish our bodies.

~  When you notice empty shelves, pray for those who are affected by supply chain issues – those who cannot get needed food items, supplies or medicines.

~ Greet those who stock the shelves, cash you out, and bag your groceries. Look them in the eye. Thank them by name for all they do for you.

~ Give God thanks for the fruits of this land. Choose wisely those things that will nourish your body. And help others in whatever way you can, to make sure that all have enough!

Be well and be at peace!

                           March 25, 2023

I’ve been playing in the kitchen a bit and have been focused on leftovers. How do you not lose something to the black hole of the refrigerator or freezer? What can you make that was different from what it first appeared as? What can be combined to create something new and unique? What amount is too little to save? What tastes better with time?

You’ve got it…we’re praying with leftovers!

~ First and foremost, we pray for those who have no actual leftovers and may not have a sufficient amount of food to eat each day.

~ We pray for those persons who have nourished our souls through the years – those that were part of our lives for a particular period of time, and those who come and go throughout our lives.

~ We ask God to help us look at our lives – to see the gifts and talents we were born with, AND to see how we have developed those gifts and talents in ways we could never have imagined!

~ We thank God for the surprises – those memories of experiences that come flooding back to us out of nowhere when we most need them.

~ We ask God to help us let go of those things, ideas, beliefs that are too small and no longer serve us. May tossing them into the compost allow them to transform into something that nourishes in another form.

~ What situations in my life will benefit from the gift of time. Can we place them in God’s hands until it is time to "taste" them again?

Be well and be at peace!


                        March 18, 2023

Our hearts go out to all those impacted by the decision of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany to declare bankruptcy. We understand that this is a stressful time for the entire faith community. We hope and pray that the financial difficulties of the diocese will be resolved quickly and equitably. As a place of prayer and serenity within the diocese for almost 75 years, we want to assure our retreatants, benefactors, friends and neighbors that the Dominican Retreat and Conference Center will continue to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, reflection and rest to all those within this diocese and beyond. The Dominican Retreat and Conference Center is owned and operated by the Dominican Sisters of Peace, who are a pontifical order, under the jurisdiction of the Pope. We are here at the invitation of the diocese, and will continue to support this faith community which we call home.

Be well and be at peace!

                           March 11, 2023

We have a great group of young people here this weekend making a Journey retreat. Participants are all high school students and the peer leaders this time are young adults who have been leaders in the past. During their afternoon break today, a group of them made 2 snow people and a snow sheep. They called on one of the priests to come out and bless their creations.

Prayer musings:

~ Do you take delight in what you create? Whether it is a good meal, a knitted scarf, a heartfelt note or email, a cozy home, a friendship or relationship, a child,… or a snow person, we are all co-creators with God. Thank God for the gift of your creativity in whatever form it takes in your life.

~ Created in the image and likeness of God, can you accept that God delights in you? Who you are gives joy to God and to those around you. Open yourself to embrace God’s love for you, just as you are.

~ Whether your creation is simple or complex, playful or useful, ask God to bless the work of your hands and your heart!

Be well and be at peace!

                             March 5, 2023

OK, I understand that a snow storm causes so many problems: digging out takes a lot of work, some people may lose power, it can lead to health issues for others, schedules and plans get all disrupted. But you have to admit, it’s pretty darn beautiful!

Here are some ways to pray with the snow:

~ Simply look and take in the beauty of the snow blanketing the trees and ground, giving it a new freshness. Take into your soul the stunning beauty and allow it to touch your heart. No words needed.

~ Watch the snowflakes falling gently through the air. Think about the ways that God holds you gently, and pray for those who bring a calming spirit and gentleness to your life.

~ If you have the ability to safely walk out in the snow, notice how quiet and peaceful the world seems. Breathe in the stillness and allow God’s creation help you to calm your spirit.

~ Recognize the scientific fact that no two snowflakes are alike - that there are a bazillion snowflakes in this storm…and no two are alike! Ponder the awesomeness of God and remember, that just like the snowflakes, God created us to be uniquely who we are. Celebrate the gift of yourself as loved and treasured by your Creator!

Be well and be at peace!

                        February 25, 2023

I got new glasses a few days ago, and I’m always surprised by a few things. As much as the new prescription helps me to see better, my eyes still need to adjust to them a bit – my sight is clearer, yet I need to change my focus just a little (and not tilt my head anymore!) And because I got new frames, I startle myself every time I walk past a mirror since I look different. I think Lent is a little like new glasses.

And so, during these days of Lent we pray:

~ God, help me to see myself, others and all that is around me through your eyes.

~ Grant me clarity where judgements, emotions and attitudes blur my understanding or openness.

~ Realign my focus that I may see what truly matters, and let go of behaviors that lead me away from being the person you have created me to be.

~ Knowing that you love me just as I am, help me to embrace the ways I continue to change and grow throughout these days, loving myself as you do.

Be well and be at peace!

                        February 17, 2023

There have been so many deaths recently. Let us pray for those who have died and those who grieve.

~ We pray for the more than 40 thousand who have died in Turkey and Syria as a result of the earthquake.

~ And we pray for the hundreds of thousands who mourn their loss.

~ We pray for those throughout our world who have died as a result of war.

~ And we pray for those who mourn their loss.

~ We pray for those who have lost their lives due to gun violence.

~ And we pray for all those who mourn their loss.

~ We pray for those who have died as a result of flood, cold, fire, storm, accident.

~ And we pray for all those who mourn their loss

~ We pray for those friends, family and acquaintances who have died due to illness or age.

~ And we pray for all those who mourn their loss.

~ We pray for all of those who die alone.

~ May we be the one who mourn their loss.

May their souls rest in peace.

Be well and be at peace!

                            February 11, 2023


Yesterday I attended the funeral of a longtime mentor and friend. Although it was a time of sadness and a few tears, I found it was also a time of great gratitude for who and what she had been in my life. I was grateful, as well, that awhile back, I took the opportunity to tell her just that. So many people touch our lives in ways that they may never know. Let’s bring some of those people to mind, to heart, and to prayer.

We pray for those who have walked any part of our journey with us, offering: 

~ a listening ear

~ a word of encouragement

~ a sharing of their own experience

~ a challenging question

~ a gentle (or not so gentle) nudge

~ an understanding nod

~ a companionable silence

~ a heartly belly laugh

~ a knowing smile

~ a kind gesture

~ a timely comment

We give thanks that God has gifted us with these friends and guides. May God give us the grace to pass on to others what we have learned from them!

Be well and be at peace!

                        February 4, 2023

I understand that you could be reading this piece from anywhere in the world, but in my part of the world it was -14 degrees this morning! Cold does not even begin to describe it. When they said we would get an arctic blast, they were spot on!

I find it imperative to pray for all those who find themselves in the cold:

~ For those who are homeless. May they find a safe and warm place to be this day.

~ For those who must work outside in these conditions, making repairs, maintaining our roads, keeping us safe, or responding to emergencies. May they be safe as they work for us all, and find moments of warmth in the midst of their shifts.

~ For those who are housebound. May someone check in on them with a warm meal and a warm smile.

~ For those who heat is insufficient or who need to deal with the result of frozen/burst pipes. May they receive the help they need to restore warmth and order to their homes.

~ For all who struggle with heart or breathing issues. May they remain safe and healthy, avoiding the bitter cold.

 Be well and be at peace!

                         January 28, 2023

In the Catholic tradition, today is the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas. Thomas is probably most well known for writing the Summa Theologiea – an extensive text on theology and philosophy. Yet as he approached his death, his reflection also helped him understand that all the study in the world could never explain or define the experience of God. Among many other things, he is the patron saint of students.

So let us pray for all students:

~ May all students, young and old, open their minds and hearts to the wisdom and the wonders around them.

~ May schools throughout the world, have the resources they need to teach their students.

~ May all students have the necessities at home – food, shelter, love, encouragement – so that they can focus on their studies when they are at school.

~ May teachers trust their instincts as they come to understand how each of their students will be able to learn to their fullest capacity.

~ Whether we read books, attend classes, study people, experience nature, try doing something new…may we never stop learning!

Be well and be at peace!

                          January 21, 2023

 I was doing a crossword puzzle this morning…the really easy kind! I like being able to fill in the easy answers and figure out the rest without too much difficulty. I feel satisfied when I have completed it. Then I started thinking that sometimes I approach God in prayer like a crossword puzzle – looking for an easy answer that I will know/find right away, and…problem solved; situation completed. But it doesn’t always go exactly that way!

So these are my crossword puzzle prayers:

~ God, thank you for the simple answers – the ones I hear and understand immediately.

~ God, help me to open my heart and mind to recognize an answer when I come at it from a different angle or perspective.

~ God, be with me as I patiently wait and watch, look and listen as you give me small clues all around my questioning heart until they give me just enough hints to find the answer to something I am struggling with.

~ God, may I always know the joy of seeking and finding and puzzling out my life with you each and every day!

Be well and be at peace!

                     January 14, 2023

On this weekend, we remember Martin Luther King, Jr.

In his spirit, may we pray for a world community based on the values of:

~ Equality

~ Equity

~ Respect

~ Dignity

~ Justice

~ Tolerance

~ Inclusivity

~ Hope for the future

May we dare to dream – may it be so!

Be well and be at peace!                   

                   December 31, 2022

As we approach New Year’s Eve, we seem to do two things, we look back over the year, and we look forward to the new one approaching. And often, I find myself thinking about things I want to complete or wrap up before I begin afresh.

 As we pray in the New Year:

 ~ May we look on the past year, giving thanks for the blessings and the challenges. Ask God to help you see how you have grown through the challenges.

 ~May we contemplate that which needs to be wrapped up. Ask God if there is something that needs to be said or done in a situation in order to let it go completely.

 ~ May we look to the coming year with hope and promise. Ask God for the grace to be present to all that will come before you.

 Have a blessed and peaceful New Year!

                    December 24, 2022

 After the weird warm-up and rain in our weather, followed by a drastic drop in temperature, I woke up this morning to frost lines on my window in the shape of giant stars – a beautiful symbol of light!

So, whether you celebrate the starlight at Christmas and the birth of Jesus, the light of the world;

~ or the candle lights of the menorah reminding you of miracles;

~ of the candle lights of Kwanzaa reminding, you of who you are;

~ or you celebrate the winter solstice, in which the days begin to have more light;

May the lights around you bring you hope and peace

      and may you look up at the stars in the night sky

and remember your God for whom darkness is as light!

Be well and be at peace!

                      December 17, 2022

 I don’t know about you, but I create a "to-do" list for each day. Sometimes that list can get a little overwhelming, particularly during this time of the year when the holidays add different tasks to my list. I often find I need to regroup and get some perspective on my list.

 Today I offer you ways to pray with your own to-do list, whether it is actually written or simply resides in your head:

 ~ For the grace to see and attend to the priorities of the day or moment…whether they were on the list or not.

 ~ For the ability to focus on one thing at a time and be truly present to that person/experience/task.

 ~ For the freedom to release some tasks to another day or another person.

 ~ For the wisdom to know that each day is a gift from God, and anything we accomplish is never done solely by our own efforts. Our God has created us – body, mind and spirit; talents, energy and strength – may we use them for good.

 ~ And as each day draws to a close, may we look back on that day with peace in our hearts and prayers of gratitude to God.

 Be well and be at peace!

                    December 10, 2022

I have been reflecting recently, on how there are 2 sides to every story (at least). They come not only from the facts of what happened, but also each person’s perspective, thoughts, motivations, and feelings. "Truth" lies, in parts, on all sides. I have some more reflecting and praying to do on this topic, so perhaps you would like to join me?

 ~ I pray for the grace to understand what I am thinking and feeling in a situation, so that I can better understand the motivations for my actions.

 ~ I pray for the grace to really listen to the other person’s perspective with openness – not judging or preparing my comeback argument.

 ~ I pray for the grace to see the entire situation through the eyes of God.

Be well and be at peace!

                    December 3, 2022


St. John of the Cross once wrote, "God’s first language is silence."

In the midst of all the activity (which is both daily and seems to be ramping up for the holidays) may you find some time for silence.

Silence, in and of itself is prayer.

As we move through advent, find some time and space in each day to be in silent prayer with your God.

You just never know what grace will grow from those moments of sacred silence with your Beloved!

Be well and be at peace!

                    November 26, 2022


This morning, as I went to put something in my car, I found a small field mouse that had died outside our back door. It may have fled from a predator, but did not look injured in any way. So I buried it, and I found myself feeling a little sad.

So I thought I would use my little field mouse as a start for our prayer.

~ For all God’s creatures who are dying as a result of human intervention – pollution, construction, etc.

~ For all God’s children who are homeless and die on our streets every day.

~ For all God’s children who die alone.

~ For all God’s children who die due to senseless violence.

~ For all our family and friends who have died in this past year.

~ For all the small experiences of letting go that happen in our lives over time.

…may we know that they/we/all are held gently in the palm of God’s hand.

Be well and be at peace!

                      November 19, 2022

As I am in the midst of presenting a retreat on change, I was reminded of a prayer I have shared before.

Intentional breathing allows us to be in the present moment.

~ Take a few minutes to notice your breath.

~ As you breathe in, say to yourself "Acceptance".

~ As you breathe out, say to yourself "Surrender"

Allow yourself in whatever part of your day, to take a few moments and just be!

Be well and be at peace!

                    November 12, 2022

In light of the summit on climate change, and the fact that we have roses blooming outside our kitchen window in November, it seems prayer is in order.

~ We pray for our coasts that are eroding due to increased storms and for those who have no place to live or no means to move elsewhere.

~ We pray for areas of drought, areas where crops are no longer able to grow and for those who are hungry and losing their livelihood as a result.

~ We pray for birds of the air, fish of the sea, and animals of the land whose migration patterns have been disrupted leading to their rapid diminishment.

~ We pray for the air that we breathe and the water that we drink which are both retaining more contaminants.

~ We pray for our leaders, our businesses, our neighbors and ourselves. May we be good stewards of this precious world we have been given and make good choices for its survival and ours.

Be well and be at peace!                    

                     November 5, 2022

Earlier today I told folks I had to run to the store to get glue sticks and grape jelly. Someone smiled and said, "You could turn that into your thoughts on prayer." And I thought, "OK! Why not?" What do glue sticks and grape jelly have in common? They are both sticky (and purple).

Here are some ways to pray with sticky:

~ Are there ideas, habits, perspectives that you are stuck in, which you can’t let go of no matter how hard you try? Ask God for the grace to let go and embrace new ways of being, thinking, seeing and understanding.

~ Are there people in your life who seem to stick/cling to you in a way that becomes annoying? Ask God to shower them with blessings this day.

~ Are there memories that stick in your brain, which you revisit from time to time? Thank God for those experiences, relationships and life lessons that are embedded in those memories.

~ And just for the fun of it, notice all the purple things you see today and thank God for all things purple!

Be well and be at peace!

                     October 29, 2022

‘Tis the season of pumpkins! You can find almost anything pumpkin-flavored or pumpkin scented. But most prominent during this week are the jack-o-lanterns…what a great prayer starter!

Praying with pumpkins:

~ Pumpkins grow attached to a long vine, and the longer they stay on the vine, the larger they get. Jesus said "I am the vine and you are the branches." How do you stay connected to your spiritual vine in order to keep growing?

~ Jack-o-lanterns needs their insides scooped out in order to have a light shining from inside. Is there something that needs to be scooped out of your life in order to make space for the "Light?"

~ Jack-o-lantern faces may be happy, scary, goofy, etc. What face do you show to others? Does it let God’s light shine through?

~ Jack-o-lanterns are best viewed in the dark. Ask God to help you be a light in the dark for others!

Be well and be at peace!

                     October 22, 2022

I have been reminded recently that all we have is today – this moment in time. So, let’s pray for today:

We pray for all who are born today:

~ that their first "today" may be filled with love and welcome.

We pray for those who are experiencing their last "today":

~ may their death be filled with comfort and peace.

We pray for everyone in the middle of those two events:

~ may this "today" be filled with wonder and grace

~ may we make a choice to be kind, helpful and hope-filled

~ may our eyes be open to the beauty and goodness around us

~ may we be our best self in all circumstances

~ may we share our unique gifts for the good of all we encounter

~ may we recognize God everywhere.

Be well and be at peace!

                     October 15, 2022

I have had a disturbing morning. It was foggy as I walked over to the retreat house early this morning. I was on breakfast detail. As I was setting up the dining room, the fog was lifting and the sun was brightening the beauty of the grounds. Gazing out towards Route 7, I noticed a pile of rubble? I tried to get my visual bearings as to what I was seeing. There was the one stone pillar with its light at the end of the driveway, and the other was…rubble? So I took a walk out to the entrance and indeed, the one stone pillar was a pile of stones and concrete with a portion of the wrought iron fence twisted on its side. There were a few small auto parts lying around. Being a light sleeper, I couldn’t fathom that there had been police cars with sirens and lights and I had slept through it. So I called the police who had no reports of any accidents. They sent someone over right away. We all have no idea how anyone could have walked away, much less driven away from such a collision! The police headed off to do some investigating and I was left to eat breakfast and contemplate my next steps, which, I decided, had to start with this prayer.

So let us pray for those who walk/run/drive away from any damage they may have caused:

~ whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual

~ whether it be intentional or unintentional

Let us pray for those who are injured or bewildered by damage or harm that seems to appear out of nowhere.

And let us pray for our police officers and first responders, who, daily, are at the service of our safety and need at some of our most troubling times.

Be well and be at peace!

                       October 8, 2022

Having just celebrated the feast of St. Francis of Assisi this past week, I offer for your reflection a very familiar prayer, that although first published in 1912, has been attributed to St. Francis.

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me bring love.
Where there is offence, let me bring pardon.
Where there is discord, let me bring union.
Where there is error, let me bring truth.
Where there is doubt, let me bring faith.
Where there is despair, let me bring hope.
Where there is darkness, let me bring your light.
Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.
O Master, let me not seek as much
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love,
for it is in giving that one receives,
it is in self-forgetting that one finds,
it is in pardoning that one is pardoned,
it is in dying that one is raised to eternal life.

Be well and be at peace!

                      October 1, 2022

 In light of the recent hurricanes, let us pray

~ for those who have died as a result of these storms

~ for those who have lost their homes, schools, businesses, places of worship

~ for those who are stranded and have no way to move to another location

~ for those who are without power, water, food, shelter

~ for those in need of medical treatment

~ for those who are working to find those missing

~ for those who are working to restore utilities

~ for the clean up crews and all those bringing aid of any sort

~ for those who are afraid, numb, overwhelmed as a result of what is before them

May God use the many hands and hearts to bless each person with what they most need – strength, courage, comfort, hope, understanding, perseverance, love.

Be well and be at peace!

                   September 24, 2022


I don’t know about you, but I have found grocery shopping a tad challenging as of late. You never know what is going to be available or not. Yet I realize I am still blessed with the means to adjust my menus  and be well fed.

I thought it would be a good time to let the groceries lead our prayer:

~ For all the farmers who have had quite a time growing crops during this year’s unpredictable weather. May they have grown enough to support their families.

~ For the migrant workers who move from place to place, harvesting what is available. May they have all the resources they need to remain healthy and vibrant in whatever location they live and work.

~ For those who raise livestock. May their herds and flocks remain healthy so that they too, may support their families.

~ For those who fish our waters. May we work to keep our waters clean of pollution and trash so that we may continue to enjoy the gifts of the seas, rivers and lakes.

~ For the truckers, and all who are involved in shipping via ground, air or water. May the routes be clear and their shifts be reasonable so that they can complete their transport in a safe and timely manner.

~ For all those who work in the grocery stores, stocking, serving, cashing out. May they be treated with respect and receive a just wage.

~ For those shoppers who need to make difficult choices about how to spend their money. May they connect with the resources available so that they do not have to choose between medicine and rent or food.

~ And may we all be grateful for the abundant gifts of creation that God bestows upon us so that we may be nourished in body, mind and soul!

Be well and be at peace!

                    September 17, 2022

Do you ever have one of those mornings where you just want to sleep a bit more and find yourself hitting the snooze alarm? We use alarms for remembering and warning.

Here are some ways to pray with alarms:

~ When your alarm clock goes off, thank God for the blessing of a new day and ask God to accompany you through that day.

~ If you set alarms on your phone, set an extra one to remind yourself to take one minute to stop and pray and thank God for whatever is before you.

~ Pray for all our first responders who answer fire or security alarms. May God keep them safe and help them locate and rescue anyone who may be in harm’s way.

~ Pray for all who must move to safety at the sound of a tornado, tsunami or other alarm. May God help them get to safety in time.

~ Pray for our doctors and nurses who respond to patients’ alarms. May God guide their actions and decisions to enable healing.

Let God be your alarm clock each day awakening you to the sights and sounds and beauty of everyone and everything around you.

Be well and be at peace!

                     September 10, 2022

When I was at the ocean last week, I saw two people wearing shirts that said, "Saltwater is healing." I decided that was true on multiple levels.

So how do we pray with saltwater?

If you have the opportunity to visit the ocean:

~ Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. Allow yourself to be wrapped in that sound, so similar to the sound of your blood going through your veins when you listen with a stethoscope. Thank God for the sound of the ocean waters and the gift of life.

~ For those who like to get into the water, smell the salt air, allow yourself to feel the pull of the saltwater around your ankles or holding your body afloat. Thank God for the feel of the saltwater and for all the myriad of creatures that live within the vast waters.

~ Aware that our bodies are made up of water and that we have a small reservoir of saltwater that present as tears:

~ Pray for those who cry tears of sorrow this day. May their salty tears be a means of releasing any sadness or fear, allowing God’s healing to enter in.

~ And pray for those who cry tears of joy. May their salty tears, be a sign of unbounded gratitude and praise for God’s faithfulness and wondrous gifts bestowed!

Be well and be at peace!

                      August 27, 2022


Technology is great when it works. When it doesn’t, it can drive us crazy! Wise words from a friend have taught me that the first thing to try is simply to reboot – turn it off, let it rest a minute, then start it up again.

How do we reboot? 

~ When a situation or experience is driving you crazy, can you stop, step away for a moment, say a brief prayer and then step back in again?

~ When there is a lot on your plate or a lot on your heart, can you sit in the quiet, take a walk outside, have a cup of coffee or tea, and rest with God for a bit before moving on with your day?

~ When the thoughts in your mind are spinning in circles, can you draw, journal, or have a conversation with a trusted friend as a way of letting God slow the spinning?

Our hearts, minds and souls will always benefit from a reboot. Let’s let God be our IT technician!

Be well and be at peace!

Note: There will be no Thoughts on Prayer next weekend as I will be away. 

                    August 20, 2022

Recently, we had one of those unexpected moments – a water leak from on upstairs toilet raining down on the office below. I was out of town, receiving reports and making periodic suggestions. All is well and it could have been disastrous had someone not been at the right place at the right time.

How do we pray with the unexpected?

If it’s a crisis type of unexpected

~ Often the initial prayer is "Help!"

~ Then ask God to help you see what you most need to pay attention to.

~ Ask others to help in whatever way they can, putting their gifts at the service of the situation.

If it’s a joyous type of unexpected

~ Revel in the gift that God has surprised you with.

~ Thank God for all that brought that blessing into your path at that moment.

Whether difficult or wonderful, remember that God is with you in the unexpected event, and hold it lightly for it soon shall pass into a graced memory.

Be well and be at peace!

                    August 13, 2022

 This morning I was watching a hummingbird at our feeder. It would fly in, drink and fly off - only to keep doing the same thing over and over. It would focus on feeding and then be startled by movement or sound and disappear to return a few minutes later.

It led me to think about my own prayer and how I settle in and then get distracted as my thoughts fly off into all sorts of directions. When I realize what is happening, I call myself back to my time and place of prayer.

What is most important is that we take the time. As my spiritual director is fond of saying, "Put your butt in the chair" and make the intention to be with your God however focused or distracted you may feel.

May we all take a lesson from the hummingbird this day!

Be well and be at peace!

                      July 30, 2022

I was helping a friend move – which involved packing. We pack stuff all the time! We pack for vacation. We pack away things in our closets and drawers for other seasons of the year. We pack things away in our hearts and our minds.

Here are some ways to pray with packing:

~ Remember that packing sometimes involves unpacking something else first. Ask God to be with you as you are surprised by things you had forgotten you had.

~ Are there items that were once meaningful; ideas and beliefs that once served you well, but are no longer needed? Give God thanks for their use and meaning in older parts of your journey. Ask God to bless them and all they represent as you let them go.

~ Are there things, values, beliefs that are needed and necessary for this time in your life? Give God thanks for all that is part of your journey – all that nurtures, supports and assists you at this time. Ask God to give you all the grace you need for this day, this moment.

~ Are there things that you will want/need in the future – items, lessons, memories that will be needed for encounters down the road at a later date? Ask God to hold them tenderly until the moment in which the insight or memory is needed.

~ Are there things that you simply don’t know weather to pack or not? Ask God to help you make the best decision you can for now and be at peace.

Be well and be at peace!

NOTE: There will be no Thoughts on Prayer next week as I will be traveling.

                        July 23, 2022

 Many parts of our world are experiencing a heat wave right now. Let us pray for those who are suffering from this extreme heat.

 ~ Pray for those who are homeless or have no means to cool their homes. May they find places and ways to escape the heat and remain healthy.

 ~ Warmth usually helps the plants to grow. Pray for the farmers whose crops are destroyed by excessive heat and drought.

 ~ High heat allows forest fires to spread quickly. Pray for those who have lost their homes to fires this season. Pray also for those firefighters who risk their lives battling them.

 ~ Pray for those who work out in the heat everyday to keep us safe and our communities functioning – EMT’s, police, bus drivers, utility workers, road pavers, mail carriers, truckers and more – may they be safe and healthy in the midst of their duties.

 ~ For our planet earth, that we may listen to her, and work hard at doing everything we can (small and large) to reverse climate change.

 ~ In the midst of heat, thank God for places of shade or cooling where you can be refreshed.

Be well and be at peace!

                       July 16, 2022

Last week, I noticed some green leaves growing through a tiny crack in the driveway. Each day it was a little bigger until one day it flowered. That little flower, struggling to grow and bloom in the middle of asphalt made me happy - made me smile at its beauty, perseverance and resilience. And yet….it’s just a little thing.

 So here are some ways of praying with the little things:

 ~ Notice small drops of color or green in unexpected places. Thank God for their beauty and resilience. Ask God to help you see that in yourself.

 ~ Notice a smile, a kind word, a kind act – like someone holding a door for another. Ask God to bless them and to help you "do likewise" for someone else.

 ~ Take a few moments to close your eyes – notice what you hear, smell and feel. Thank God for the voices of loved ones, the breeze on your face, the smell of fresh rain. Ask God to always help you notice these graces showered upon you each day.

 ~ When life seems full or even overwhelming, remember that the little things matter. Ask God to help you notice and enjoy the little things – the gifts hidden in each and every day!

 ~ I just had the opportunity to spend some time with some art. One way of praying with art is called "visio divina" or holy seeing. You can do this process with any work of art or when you’re out in nature.

Be well and be at peace!

                         July 9, 2022

I just had the opportunity to spend some time with some art. One way of praying with art is called "visio divina" or holy seeing. You can do this process with any work of art or when you’re out in nature.

Here's how this prayer works:

~Take a few deep breaths and enter into an attitude of prayer. Ask God to speak to you through what you will see before you.

~ Spend a few moments looking at the image or scene before you and allow your focus to move toward whatever draws your attention. Gaze at that portion for a few minutes or however long feels right. Close your eyes for a moment.

~ Open them and look at the entire image or scene before you. Notice what you are feeling and thinking. What questions or ponderings are surfacing? Are they related to something in your life right now? What is God saying to you through this image or scene? Gaze for as long as feels right, then close your eyes for a moment.

~ As you look on the image or scene again, respond to God in light of all that you are seeing, thinking and feeling. Then close your eyes briefly one more time.

~ Finally, open your eyes and gaze one last time. Allow your whole being to rest in God’s presence and in the experience. When you feel all is complete, move on with your day. (If you like to journal, you may wish to do so at the end of a visio divina experience)

 Be well and be at peace!

                       July 3, 2022

This past week, during one of our weeklong retreats, I was introduced to The Five Remembrances of the Buddhist tradition. I offer them to you for your prayer and reflection this week.

~ I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old.

~  I am of the nature to have ill health. There is no way to escape having ill health.

~ I am of the nature to die. There is no way to escape death.

~ All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them.

~ My actions are my only true belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground upon which I stand.

~ May you know God’s loving presence with you as you reflect on the meaning of these remembrances in your life.

Be well and be at peace!

                       June 25, 2022

A few people I know have physically fallen recently. And one of the things I became aware of is how often we metaphorically use the phrase fallen.

So here are some prayers for "falling":

~ First, we pray for those who have physically fallen. May God grant them healing of any injuries. We thank God for EMTs, doctors, x-ray technicians, physical therapists and all who use their gifts to support our healing.

~ For those who have fallen in love. May they know the ever-growing depth and intimacy of being loved in a way that is only a glimmer of God’s unconditional love for each of us.

~ For those who have fallen out of love. May they remember that as relationships change, God will never love us any less.

~ For our little ones learning to walk and falling down and getting back up again. May they be examples to each of us that whatever our struggle or difficulty, God is there with us as we get back up and move forward.

~ For those who have fallen away from the church. May they always know that God is with them, and open their eyes to all the ways they may find God around them each day.

~ For those who have "fallen off the wagon" – for those who have relapsed in any way. May they connect with the supports and resources they need to maintain the healthy life they desire.

~ For those relationships where there has been a falling out. May God help them to know when and if forgiveness or reconciliation are possible.

And may a "falling star" in a clear night’s sky remind each of us that with God, nothing is impossible!

 Be well and be at peace!

                        June 18, 2022

 St. Teresa of Avila was known to have said, "There is a time for penance and a time for partridge and now is the time for partridge."

We make choices all day long – what to wear; whether to slow down at the yellow light or speed up; whether to continue on with a project or conversion or to take a break. When we make those choices in a reflective manner and a spiritual context – we call it discernment.

 So, we pray for discernment in our everyday choices:

God, help us to know

~ when to forge ahead and when to hold back

~ when to speak and when to be silent

~ when to question and when to agree

~ when to acknowledge and when to ignore

~ when to affirm and when to critique

~ when to work and when to play

~ when to participate and when to observe

~ when to reflect and when to act

~ when to enjoy and when to truly celebrate!

Be well and be at peace!

                       June 11, 2022

Recently I had to be on antibiotics. After one dose, I felt so much better. I started thinking about all those people who are researchers and inventors that have done so much to improve our lives.

~ We pray for medical researchers who create medications and vaccinations to heal us and keep us healthy.

~ We prayer for those who have created technology that allows us to stay in contact with people around the world.

~ We pray for those who understand processes and can create machines that can help make the process easier.

~ We pray for those who dream, listen to the dreams of others and turn those dreams into reality.

~ We give thanks to God for all the gifts we have been given for the good of each other, and the grace to share those gifts wisely and generously.

 Be well and be at peace!

                        June 4, 2022

Amidst all the difficulties in our world, there is still much to celebrate - and this time of year seems to be full of things to celebrate!

Here are some celebrations to pray with:

~ For all students who are graduating, that they may use their gifts and knowledge for their highest potential and for the good of all.

~ For younger students who will be completing a grade level, that they may enjoy the freedom of the summer and look forward to the growth and new challenges of the coming year.

~ For all who are getting married, may their love and commitment to each other grow ever deeper each day as they come to know more fully what it means to be a partner for life.

~ For those making religious commitments within their faith communities, may they experience God's presence with them as they take each new step.

~ For those beginning a new job, may they flourish in the use of their skills.

~ For those who are retiring, may this new era in their lives be filled with peace and enjoyment.

~ For the birthday people in our lives, may we never tire of celebrating each and every year of life.

~ For those gathering for family reunions, high school/college reunions, or simply time together with good friends, may we always find time to celebrate the relationships that have blessed our lives.

~ And may we notice the small moments of celebration in our lives every day – a stranger’s smile, a first step, a flower in bloom, good news from a doctor, a call from a good friend – may we notice and give thanks to God!

Be well and be at peace!

                        May 28, 2022

How can we not be thinking of all the children in our world these days?

 We pray that all children grow up…

~ knowing that they are much loved

~ knowing that they are safe

~ knowing that they are protected

~ healthy, cared for, fed and nurtured

We pray for the children that are…

~ experiencing fear

~ surrounded by violence

~ feeling lost or alone

~ ill, malnourished, homeless

We pray for the children who have died, and for their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, teachers and friends who grieve their loss.

May the gift of their smiles remain imprinted in our hearts!

  Be well and be at peace!

                       May 21, 2022


In a world filled with senseless violence, sometimes the only prayer is tears.

~ We cry for those who have been gunned down for having the "wrong color" of skin

 ~ We cry for those killed because of their gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religious beliefs or political beliefs

 ~ We cry for the family and friends of victims of violence

 ~ We cry for the soldiers who are fighting for a better world for their    children

 ~ We cry for the children who have lost their parents

 ~ We cry for those who have buried their grief in alcohol, drugs and other addictions

 ~ We cry for those who, in despair have taken their own lives

 ~ …and we cry for those who have no one else to cry for them.

  Be well and be at peace!

                       May 14, 2022


Do you ever have those days when you're just cranky or out of sorts? It could be for a variety of reasons. I try to remember to take a childhood lesson and turn it into prayer... Crossing the street - Stop. Look. Listen.

 Here's how this prayer works:

~ Stop: Take a breath, take a nap, take a walk, listen to some music. Ask God to help you pause, change your trajectory temporarily, be in the moment, if even for a very brief time.

 ~ Look both ways: Notice what is going on outside of you/around you AND notice what is going on inside of you - what you are thinking and feeling? Ask God to help you see clearly.

 ~ Listen: Be quiet for as long as you can. Ask God to help you hear and understand what's going on. Give God some time to speak.

 And as always, take God's hand before stepping off the curb and into the next task of your day!

Be well and be at peace!

                       May 7, 2022

So as we continue on our spring cleaning theme this week, I thought perhaps we could pray with some of the ways we do spring cleaning internally.

 Here are some ways to pray with our own spring cleaning:

 Take a look at your prayer time – when and how you pray.

   ~ If it feels scattered or haphazard, or you have gotten out of a regular habit, ask God to help you decide on the best time for you and make that time with God a priority.

   ~ Decide if you have grown away from a particular form of prayer and try something new. Prayer is a communication with God and our style changes as we change.


Take a look at your relationships.

   ~ Are there people who have loved and nurtured you? Thank God for the blessing of these people in your life.

   ~ Are there people who you are concerned about? Ask God to bless them with whatever they need in this moment.

   ~ Are there people who you have real difficulty with? Ask God to help you decide if you need to make an amends to that person, or forgive that person. Ask God for the grace to see and do what is needed.

Take a look at yourself.

   ~ Are there messages that you have been telling yourself that are simply not true and not helpful? Ask God to help you replace those messages with a loving message from God.

   ~ Are there ideas or beliefs that you grew up with that you are beginning to question? Ask God to help you be open to new truths about yourself, others and the world.

Sweep clean your heart and dust off your soul so that there is room for the light of God to enter in!
Be well and be at peace!

                             April 30, 2022


It seems as if we may have finally gotten to Spring! And somewhat by chance, I and some of those around me have begun doing some spring cleaning. As much as it is a physical task, it can also be a prayerful task.

Here are some ways to pray with your spring cleaning:

What physical area are you going to tackle?

Maybe it’s a room or just a drawer. (Sometimes it is better to start small)

 As you look at items:

~ Do they bring back a memory? Thank God for that experience.

 ~ Is it something you no longer need but feel attached to?

Ask God to help you let go.

 ~ Is it something that someone else can use? Give it to an organization that will make sure the person in need will get it. Ask God to bless that person.

 ~ Is it something that is a part of another item you no longer have or is just worn out. Throw it away or recycle it, and pray for our earth as we dispose of items in a responsible way.

 We will continue this prayer in a more personal way next week!

 Be well and be at peace!

                      April 16, 2022

Note: The DRCC offices will be closed for Easter week and there will be no Thoughts on Prayer next Saturday. 

In the past few weeks, when I have walked between the convent and retreat house in the early morning hours, I have begun to hear the birds again. It's that time of year (spring) when the birds are more prevalent, and the time of day (night is ending and daylight is just beginning to lighten the sky) when the quiet of the darkened morning begins to fill with the sound of the birds awakening to a new day. For many of us, today, Holy Saturday, is like that - the waiting day, the in between day in the middle of Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

 Let's pray for those who are in between:

~ in between jobs
~ in between relationships
~ in between school and work
~ in between living spaces awaiting a place to call home
~ in between living as a couple and becoming parents
~ while awaiting the birth of a child
~ in between a diagnosis and a treatment plan
~ in between a dilemma and a decision
~ in between despair and hope
~ in between this life and the next as the body begins to shut down

May God give signs, like the singing of birds, that new life, new possibilities, new understanding, lie just ahead in the next moments of the dawn!

Be well and be at peace!

                       April 9, 2022

So, the other day I was loading and unloading groceries from BJ’s…in the rain! And I must admit, I was a bit annoyed with all of the wetness – on the items, soaking into my clothes, spotting my glasses. I was finally able to say to myself, "You know, I bet there are a lot of people who would be grateful to have even a little bit of this rain!"

 So, it is time to pray with the rain again:

 ~ As the rain waters the earth, think of those places that are experiencing drought. Ask God to send rain so that there is fresh water for people and animals to drink, and crops to grow.

 ~ As the rain waters the earth, think of those places that are flooding. Ask God to help those who have to restore their homes and businesses after flood damage.

 ~ As the rain waters the earth, think of those places that are experiencing fire. Ask God to send the rain upon the flames and protect those who risk their lives putting the fires out.

 ~ As the rain waters the earth and puddles begin to form, think of the children who delight jumping in the puddles and making a splash. Ask God to protect all the children of this world. May they know they are loved and always be able to find something that gives them joy.

 ~ As the rain waters the earth…and perhaps soaks you, thank God for the gift of the rain – for the ability to enter a dry house, put on dry clothes, and contemplate the joys and challenges of a rainy day.

Be well and be at peace!

                      April 2, 2022

Last night, I thought "I need a theme for Thoughts on Prayer tomorrow." And the next thing that flitted through my mind was that I had forgotten my laundry and left it in the dryer all day. Hmmmm.

How can we pray with laundry?

~ Some items have spots and need to be pre-treated. Is there someone in your life you need to apologize or make amends to? Ask God for the grace to be able to do that.

~ Some items have to be handwashed or handled on delicate. Ask God to help you be gentle with yourself when you are having a hard day. And ask God to help you offer a kind word to someone else who is having a hard day.

~ The dryer can fill your clothes with static electricity so that they stick to one another. Ask God to be your "dryer sheet" and help you remove any negative thoughts or ideas that are "clinging" to you.

~ The great thing about laundry is when it is done, the clothes are all clean and fresh. Ask God to help you see each new day as a fresh start

Be well and be at peace!

                              March 26, 2022

I don’t know why, but I was thinking about "hope" this morning and how it often gets confused with or replaced by "wish". We can wish for anything…and often it is a thing. Hope is a virtue. There is a depth and an energy to it that makes it active. Some experience or change or belief can give us hope. It can also root itself in our souls. The letter to the Hebrews puts it this way: "…that hope is a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul."

Let’s pray with hope:

~ What do you hope for yourself? Ask God to help you take one small step towards experiencing that hope.

~ What do you hope for those you love? Ask God to show you how you can be hope or bring hope to that person.

~ What do you hope for the world? Ask God to help you see how you can be an instrument of hope in your own community. That community might just become a beacon of hope for the world.

~ Reflect on the things that give you hope. Say a prayer of thanks to God for each and every one of them.

 Be well and be at peace!

                      March 19, 2022

Today is the feast of St. Joseph, and I thought there are so many ways we can use that as our beginning point for prayer this week!

Here are some ways to pray with Joseph:

~ Joseph was a man of faith and trust in God. Pray that all people be strengthened in their faith and trust in God, whatever their religious denomination.

~ Joseph was a skilled laborer. Pray for all those whose skilled hands bring us electricity, plumbing, roofs, safe and stable buildings, beautiful and necessary furnishings.

~ Joseph listened attentively and followed God’s direction in his dreams Pray for the gift to be able to be attentive to, and to follow your dreams. Pray also for those whose dreams have been crushed by the burdens of life.

~ Joseph took his family to Egypt in order to protect them. Pray for those who are fighting to protect their families and their countries right now. In particular, pray for the children of Ukraine and Russia who may never see their fathers again.

Be well and be at peace!

                           March 12, 2022

Someone gave me a plant recently. It is a succulent and had just the beginnings of a flower stalk in the center. Everyday, I swear that stalk was an inch higher, yet I could not see it growing.

So…here are ways to pray with growing:

~ Pray for babies in utero who are growing constantly without us being able to see.

~ Pray for bones and skin, tendons and ligaments, neurons and blood cells that are constantly growing and replacing themselves – particularly when they are healing. And pray for all who work in the field of healing.

~ Pray for those who cut our hair, which grows continually…well for most of us!

~ Pray for those whose smile, kind word, thoughtful action grows love and peace in the heart of another.

~ Pray that those bent on darkness and hate will allow an opening for God’s love and light to enter and grow in their hearts.

 ~ Pray that our eyes and hearts grow open more each day to see and know the beauty and goodness that is always around and within us.

Be well and be at peace!

                        March 5, 2022

With a dozen knitters in the house, I would be remiss if I didn’t share the fact that knitting (or any handcraft) can be a very prayerful experience.

Here are ways to pray with knitting (crafting):

~ Think about the yarn or other supplies you are working with. Pray for all those who had a hand in creating those supplies – those who raised the sheep, cleaned the wool, spun and dyed the yarn, packaged it, transported it, sold it.

~ Allow the rhythm of the work to draw you into the present moment. Invite God into that rhythm, that moment.

~ Pray for the person who will receive the fruits of your hands.

~ Enjoy the beauty of diverse colors and textures. Ask God to help you notice this beauty and diversity everywhere you look

~ As you create, allow yourself to see and experience yourself as God’s beloved creation.

Be well and be at peace!

                       February 26, 2022


It is not a surprise that today I suggest we pray for those who are in anyway affected by the war in the Ukraine.

We pray for:

~ those whose homes, businesses, and schools have been destroyed

~ those who have been killed or injured

~ those who have been separated from their families

~ those who have become refugees

~ those who are in the military and have been called to service

~ those who have been drafted into service

~ those who are caring for the refugees

~ those who are caring for the injured at home

~ those who are looking for ways to end the violence

~ those who are prepared to assist if the violence spreads

~ those in other countries who have family and friends in the warzone

~ those who grieve loss of loved ones, home, and country

May the God who weeps with us, give comfort to those in need, and guide all to a pathway of peace!

Be well and be at peace!

                      February 23, 2022

In Psalm 46 we hear, "Be still and know that I am God". Last week we spoke of being where our feet are. Another way of praying in the present moment is to practice centering prayer. Centering prayer is a prayer of receptivity where we spend 20 minutes, twice a day simply being in the present moment with God…without any discourse. During this time, we consent to God’s loving action within us. When we find ourselves becoming engaged with any of the myriad of thoughts passing through our brain, we use a sacred word or symbol to bring ourselves back to this moment and consent again to God’s loving action within us.

For a more detailed description of centering prayer, click here for a flyer from Contemplative Outreach or visit their website at:

And you may wish to join us for one of our monthly centering prayer gatherings via Zoom! See details here on our web site under "Virtual Programs"

Be well and be at peace!

                           February 12, 2022

 When my life feels very busy and a little chaotic or overwhelming, I try to remember one of the sayings from the 12-step world: Be where your feet are.

 Perhaps your prayer could go something like this:

 Dear God, help me to be where my feet are; to be present to what I am doing and who I am with in this moment. There is much to do. Help me to focus on this task or activity, now. When this is complete, I will move on to the next.

It will all get done if I take on only one thing at a time. Thank you for accompanying me through all that fills my day, one moment at a time. Amen.

"Be where your feet are!"

                      February 5, 2022


Snow day!!!! Remember how exciting that was as a kid? wake up to a mound of snow, find out there is no school AND to have no homework to do since you had to have had it done already! It was pure joy and freedom. As adults, we don't always take that surprise quite the same way.

 Here are ways to pray with a snow day experience:

 ~ Sit and watch the snow fall. Let the beauty of God's creation still your soul

 ~ Go out and make a snow person or snow angel. Allow yourself to play. Remember you are a child of God.

 ~ Notice how all of creation is blanketed in a quiet whiteness. Pray for those who have no blankets to keep them warm.

 ~ Think of the things that bring joy to your heart. Give yourself permission to indulge and thank God for the joy that you experience.

 ~ Enjoy a day of appropriate freedom from responsibility. Ask God to take care of all your concerns for the day.

   Be well and be at peace!

                     January 29, 2022

 We were fortunate to only get the fringe of the storm that just went up the east coast. But it gave me cause to reflect on the concept of anticipation and how anticipation of the same event can be worlds apart for different people. In other words, there are some kids out there that were wild with exuberance anticipating 2 feet of snow, AND there were some adults out there who were absolutely dreading having to shovel 2 feet of snow.

Here are some ways to pray with anticipation:

~ Notice how you are feeling about an event.

~ Ask God to be with you in that feeling.

~ Allow yourself to really feel that feeling.

~ Knowing that all is passing, rejoice in any excitement or hope this    anticipation brings and thank God.

~ Knowing that all is passing, allow yourself to move through any anxiety or fear this anticipation brings knowing that God has you by the hand.

~ Whatever the feeling, ask God to help you see how another might be anticipating the same event. Pray for that person and all that they may be experiencing.

Remember that God is in the midst of it all!

Be well and be at peace!

                     January 22, 2022

In light of the severe cold we are experiencing locally, I decided to rerun one of the Thoughts on Prayer from last year:

Those of us in the Northeast have been experiencing a "Polar vortex" these past few days. In other words, it is nasty cold!!! So I started thinking about the cold and wondered if there is a way to pray with it – there is.

Here are some ways to pray with the cold:

  • Pray for those who are homeless and are seeking shelter during these frigid days.

  • Pray for those whose finances do not allow them to warm their homes to a comfortable temperature.

  • Pray for the firefighters, police, utility workers and all who must work outside in the cold.

  • Pray for those who rely on public transportation and school children who must stand out in the cold waiting for a bus to arrive.

  • Pray for those who do not have adequate clothing to keep them warm enough.

  • Pray for the person who has given you the "cold shoulder"

  • Pray for the person you encounter that seems "cold or distant"

May we each be the warmth of God’s love in our world.

 Be well and be at peace!

                     January 15, 2022

Ice is a fascinating thing. It can cool off a warm drink, decrease the inflammation in an injury, and preserve food. On the ground or on a lake it can be beautiful or deceptive or dangerous. We have seen a bit of that this past week here in the Northeast.

Here are some ways to pray with ice:

Enjoy the beauty. Thank God for all that sparkles in the sunlight or moonlight.

Pray for all who have to venture out in the ice and cold. May they be safe, patient and use good judgement. Thank God for any safe journeys completed.

Pray for the firefighters, police, utility workers and all who must work outside in treacherous conditions to aid and assist us in all sorts of emergencies. Thank God for their dedication.

Pray for all doctors, nurses, x-ray technicians…all who tend to us after any mishap with ice. Thank God for the gift of their skills.

Pray for anyone whose heart or attitude is a cold as ice, whose icy glare separates them from others. May God’s love melt away all that is keeping them frozen.

May we each bring the warmth of God’s love into the world around us.

Be well and be at peace!

                      January 1, 2022

As this year begins, let us pray -

May God bless you with all you hope for

      and that which you cannot even imagine.

May any challenges help you recognize the supports you have

     and realize new strengths and skills.

May you know God’s loving presence in every moment

     and see God everywhere.

May you live out of a profound sense of gratitude

     and be an instrument of God’s love and peace.

Be well and be at peace!

** I will be away on my own retreat.  Thoughts on Prayer will resume on January 15 (Sr. Sue) **

                                         December 25, 2021

   Meister Eckhart a Dominican theologian and mystic offers us this Christmas thought:
"What good is it to me that Mary gave birth to the Son of God fourteen hundred years ago, and I do not also give birth to the Son of God in my time and my culture? We are all meant to be mothers of God. God is always needing to be born."

Be well and be at peace!

                                                                                                  December 18, 2021

In light of last weeks devastating tornados, let us pray

~ For all those who grieve the death of a family member, friend, neighbor, pet

~ For those who have lost their home, business, school, place of worship

~ For those who are giving comfort, support, shelter, food

~ For those working to restore power, water, communication lines

~ For communities trying to figure out how to recover on so many level

For those who struggle with other types of tornados…

~ For those who live amidst the tornados of domestic violence, war, abuse, poverty, racism, oppression

~ For those who live with interior tornados of PTSD, mental illness, chronic illness, terminal illness, addiction

May God’s light and love be found both in the midst of these storms and in their aftermath. 

Be well and be at peace!

                                                          December 11, 2021

I find the time between the holidays filled with so much hustle and bustle. I offer this prayer to you:

God, help me to slow down

~ take a breath

~ sit still for a moment

~ listen to my heart beat

~ step back from all the activity

~ close my eyes

~ pay attention to that still small voice within me…

           which is you!

Amen. May it be so.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                        December 5, 2021

As the days get colder, one of the things I relish is snuggling down under the covers in the morning. I love the warm cocoon that my bed has become through the night. Being wrapped in warmth led me to think that it was like being wrapped in God's love.

Here are some ways we can pray with warmth:

~ Think of those whose presence gives you a sense of warmth or happiness when you are with them. Ask God to bless them.

~ Think of those whose presence gives you a sense of safety. Ask God to bless them.

~ Think of those whose memories brings comfort. Thank God for all the gifts they have brought to your life.

~ Think of those whose lives are filled with uncertainty, need, hunger, violence; who do not have a warm bed or a safe place to rest. Ask God to wrap them in love.

And ask God to guide you this day, to any person to whom you can bring a bit of warmth!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      November 27, 2021

With the recent holiday, a project I’m working on and Advent beginning this week, I started thinking about preparations. Before we do almost anything, we have to do some preparation. There are always steps before you begin: buying the food to cook, cleaning the room for a guest, spackling holes in walls before painting, settling down in a comfortable chair with a cup of coffee or tea before reading a good book. Advent itself, is a time to prepare to celebrate the incarnation of God as one like us.

Here are some ways to pray with preparation:

~ Think about what it is you need to do. As you envision all the steps, ask God to help you slow down and be present to the current moment, the current step you are doing.

~ Think about why you are doing this task. Ask God to help you carry it out successfully.

~ Think about who you are working with or who the final project will include. Ask God to bless each and everyone of those people with whatever they need at this moment.

~ If things don’t go as planned, ask God for the grace to hold it all lightly.

~ Make a conscious choice to enjoy the preparation as much as the outcome! 

Be well and be at peace!

                                                  November 20, 2021


In the Roman Catholic tradition, this is the last week in ordinary time, so I thought it was a good time to pray with the ordinary.

Here are some ways to pray with the ordinary:

~ When you turn on a faucet or take a shower, thank God for the gift of clean water. Pray for those who have none and who do not have indoor plumbing.

~ When you turn on a light or an electrical appliance, thank God for the gift of energy. Pray for those who have none.

~ When you get out of bed in the morning, thank God for the new day. Pray for those who are confined to their beds.

~ When you walk or drive or fly to another location, thank God for the freedom to travel. Pray for those who are imprisoned or are prevented from leaving their homes or countries for any reason.

Take some time to focus on anything you take for granted, and give thanks to God for the ordinary moments of our lives.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                 November 13, 2021

Have you ever experienced the power going out for a little while and all of a sudden you notice how quiet it really is? The hum of refrigerator motors and other home electronics have ceased. The voices from TV and computer are gone. All is silent. It has been said that "God’s first language is silence."

 So here are some ways to pray with silence:

Sit in a quiet space to spend time with God. Don’t say anything to God. Just be in God’s presence and let God love you – like sitting in a sunny spot on a wintry day.

 Make time in your day for quiet – maybe just 5 or 10 minutes. Simply listen and allow God to feed your soul in the silence.

 Take some time to be technology free – a self-imposed power outage. See what God has to say when all the distractions are muted.

Challenge yourself to be silent in a conversation where you really want to prove your point. Ask God to help you be quiet and really listen to the other person before deciding how to respond.

 Ask God to help you know that silence is not something to be endured, but is a gift waiting to be unwrapped!

 Be well and be at peace!                                                 

                                                    November 6, 2021

We move the clocks BACK tonight. Whenever this happens, I’m all out of whack for a couple of days. Some have said, "But aren’t you glad you gain an hour?" But how does one actually gain time? And what do I do with the "time" I have?

So here are some ways to pray with time:

It has been said that if you want to know what your priorities are, look at how you spend your time.

Ask God to be with you as you review how you "spent" time that day

~ Are there things you spent time on that you wish you hadn’t?

~ Did you take time in prayer to be with God?

~ Did you give the gift of time to people who needed your attention?

Ask God for the grace to use each moment wisely

When you feel like you don’t have enough time, ask God to help you focus your time wisely.

When you feel that you have "time on your hands" ask God to direct you to where you can best be God’s hands in this world.

All we have is right now - each moment is a gift from God. Look for the blessing and live in gratitude for this particular moment in time.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                     October 30, 2021

​As I looked out the window the other day and the grounds were engulfed in fog, I thought about how very foggy I was feeling. So, although we have touched on this topic before, I decided to give us some simple reminders.

Here are some ways to pray with the fog:

~ Pray for clarity of thought

~ Pray for clarity of vision

~ Pray for patience when needing to slow down

~ Pray for the grace to accept this moment as it is

~ Pray for the ability to cautiously take the next right step

~ Pray to believe that the fog will eventually dissipate

~ Pray to know that our God is with us in the midst of the fog…reach out, take God’s hand and let yourself be led safely onward.

Be well and be at peace!                                                      

October 23, 2021

As the days get cooler and shorter, I find that sometimes I want to just stay tucked under my covers in bed in the morning. It made me think about what gifts sleep and a warm bed are. Can you see where I’m going?

Here are some ways to pray with sleep:

When you wake up rested and renewed in the morning,

~ Thank God for the gift of some good sleep –

for the restorative healing that has happened

~ Pray for those who had no bed to sleep in that night

~ Thank God for all those who worked through the night

and are on their way home to sleep

When you can’t fall asleep at night or are awake in the middle for awhile,

~ Pray for all those you care about by name

~ Pray for those who have asked for prayers

~ Pray for our world

~ Pray with your breath –

breathing in acceptance and breathing out surrender

~ Think of all the blessings of the previous day and give God thanks

As we fall asleep or as we are waking up, we may be enlightened with a next step or solution to something we are struggling with,

~ Thank God for any guidance you have been given within your

dreams or during these in between moments.

Pray for all those who have fallen into their eternal sleep.

May they rest in peace.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       October 16, 2021

Yesterday was supposed to be sunny, but no…it rained…again…for most of the day. We have had quite a lot of rain in this area this summer and into the fall, so instead of being frustrated, perhaps we need to pray with it.

Here are some ways to pray with rain:

~ As the rain waters the earth, think of how the plants are nurtured to grow. Ask God to bless you with the people and experiences that nurture you to grow.

~ As the rain waters the earth, think of the parts of the country that are ravaged by forest fires. Ask God to send rain to quell the flames and to raise up blessings from the ashes.

~ As the rain waters the earth, think of the parts of the world that are experiencing drought. Ask God to send enough rain for the farmers to grow their crops so that the hungry may have enough to eat.

~ As the rain waters the earth, think of the parts of the world that have experienced too much rain, resulting in floods. Ask God to guide communities in the ways they can assist those in need of dry, safe havens while they rebuild their homes.

~ As the rain waters the earth, think of those people who are carrying heavy emotional burdens, perhaps shame or rage or guilt. Ask God to wash away these excessive burdens so lightness of heart and spirit can be restored.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      October 9, 2021

In the Catholic tradition, October 7th was the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The rosary is a prayer that goes back hundreds of years as a way to meditate on the life of Jesus through the intercession of his mother, Mary. It is a prayer in which the repetition of the Hail Mary can help us move into a very reflective space. Although there is one traditional way of praying the rosary, I thought I would offer some alternatives.

 Here are some ways to pray the rosary:

~ Pray with the traditional, scriptural passages of the lives of Jesus and Mary.

 ~ Pray the rosary and instead of the traditional mysteries, reflect on the mysteries of your own personal life – those joyful, luminous, sorrowful and glorious moments that you have experienced in your own life.

~ Pray the rosary in light of situations going on in our world. Try dedicating each decade to a particular need – i.e. the violence in Afghanistan, the people in our own country recovering from floods or fires, the people of Haiti rebuilding after the earthquake.

 ~ Pray for our earth. Use each decade to pray for a particular aspect of creation that surrounds us and the many ways we can care for that aspect.

 ~ Often family or friends are going through difficult times. Try praying a rosary and dedicating each decade (or each bead) for someone you are holding in prayer.

 Our Lady, Queen of Peace – pray for us!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      October 2, 2021

Having made a short visit to our local hospital this past week, I would like to offer prayers for all medical personal and support staff:

~ For doctors who provide their expertise in crisis and non-crisis situations

~ For nurses who offer their skills and compassion to those who are suffering or scared, and to their family members as well

~ For technicians/lab workers who work throughout the night to provide needed diagnostics

~ For housekeeping workers who are instrumental in keeping every room clean and sanitized in order to protect all

~ For food service workers who strive to nourish healing bodies

~ For security folks who do their best to deal with those who may lash out for any of a number of reasons

~ For the transport people who carefully and purposefully move patients from one area to another

~ For chaplains and social workers who tend to the hearts and souls of patients, family and staff

~ For administrators, administrative staff and all support personnel whose roles promote the health and healing of a community

God’s blessing be upon you and thank you for all you do!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                 September 25, 2021

I thought I would continue with our topic of storms. It seems to me that storms can be both physical and emotional and the actual physical storms that we described last week (like hurricanes) can also be a metaphor for the storms in our own personal lives.
Here are some ways to pray with other types of storms:
~ Pray for those who struggle with addiction on a daily basis.
~ Pray for those who are adjusting to new limitations due to age or illness.
~ Pray for those who are struggling with a particular relationship and may be holding a grudge.
~ Pray for those who struggle with some form of mental illness.
~ Pray for those who may be trapped within their own thoughts, convictions, or perceptions.
~ Pray for those who may feel trapped in their own lives - circumstances, living situation, financial situation, or work situation.
~ Pray for those who have no means to escape the storms within.
May God’s peace calm all storms and return us to a place of peace and security.
Be well and be at peace!                                          

                                              September 18, 2021

These last few months have been filled with storms – hurricanes that we give names to. Thousands of lives have been left in turmoil after the storms have passed. We do our best to help where we can and when the next one comes along, we focus on the new area leaving the previous area to continue cleaning up and rebuilding their lives.
Here are some ways to pray with storms:
~ Pray for the people in the areas where hurricanes/storms have passed through this year…and then pray for those who are still rebuilding their lives from the havoc of storms in previous years.
~ Pray for those who study or predict storms in an effort to help people prepare and move to safety.
~ Pray for those who risk their lives to help move people to safety
~ Pray for those who provide safe shelter from the storms
~ Pray for those who work to restore power, bring water, provide food, move debris, cover damaged roofs, help rebuild homes, provide medical care
May God’s peace calm all storms and return us to a place of peace and security.
Be well and be at peace!

                                                     September 11, 2021
As we remember the events of 9/11, let us pray…

~ For an end to hatred and intolerance
~ For the ability to welcome those who are different
~ For an end to oppression and injustice
~ For the willingness to listen to a different viewpoint
~ For an end to war and violence
~ For the ability to see all as similar and connected to myself
~ For all those who grieve
~ For all those who hope
~ For all those who strive to bring peace and unity to a divided world 

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      August 28, 2021

Given all we have seen or heard about in the news this past week, it seemed like we should be praying for the people of particular countries. And then I thought, "But all countries are struggling with something – war, poverty, hurricane, floods, fire, inequity, drought, political division, economic issues, climate issues…..." The list goes on! So I decided that we need to pray for the world this week.
Here are the countries of the world that we can pray for by name:
Afghanistan; Albania; Algeria; Andorra; Angola; Antigua and Barbuda; Argentina; Armenia; Australia; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bahamas; Bahrain; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarus; Belgium; Belize; Benin; Bhutan; Bolivia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Botswana; Brazil; Brunei; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Côte d'Ivoire; Cabo Verde; Cambodia; Cameroon; Canada; Central African Republic; Chad; Chile; China; Colombia; Comoros; Congo (Congo-Brazzaville); Costa Rica; Croatia; Cuba; Cyprus; Czechia (Czech Republic); Democratic Republic of the Congo; Denmark; Djibouti; Dominica; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Egypt; El Salvador; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Estonia; Eswatini (fmr. "Swaziland"); Ethiopia; Fiji; Finland; France; Gabon; Gambia; Georgia; Germany; Ghana; Greece; Grenada; Guatemala; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haiti; Holy See; Honduras; Hungary; Iceland; India; Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Jamaica; Japan; Jordan; Kazakhstan; Kenya; Kiribati; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Laos; Latvia; Lebanon; Lesotho; Liberia; Libya; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Madagascar; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mali; Malta; Marshall Islands; Mauritania; Mauritius; Mexico; Micronesia; Moldova; Monaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar (formerly Burma); Namibia; Nauru; Nepal; Netherlands; New Zealand; Nicaragua; Niger; Nigeria; North Korea; North Macedonia; Norway; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Palestine State; Panama; Papua New Guinea; Paraguay; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Qatar; Romania; Russia; Rwanda; Saint Kitts and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Samoa; San Marino; Sao Tome and Principe; Saudi Arabia; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Solomon Islands; Somalia; South Africa; South Korea; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Be well and be at peace!


                                                       August 21, 2021

I was never a morning person growing up, but I have moved in that direction as an adult. There is something about the dawn: the movement from darkness to light when the world wakes up; the movement from silence to sound as the birds start to chirp and the traffic increases on the road.
Here are some ways to pray with the dawn:
~ Pray for those struggling with addiction or mental illness - for those having difficulty finding the light in their lives
~ Pray for those who are beginning something new this day - a new job, a new relationship, a new project
~ Pray for those who are studying - both a subject and an environment- that they be open to new ideas, new perspectives, new understanding of perhaps old situations
~ Pray for those who work through the night in those hours of darkness so that businesses, hospitals, schools, transportation are clean and ready for the new day
~ Pray for those who are born this day - both from the darkness of the womb into the light of day and from the light of this day into the brightness of eternity
Be well and be at peace!  


                                                     August 14, 2021

Many parts of our country are experiencing a heat wave right now. Heat is both helpful and necessary as well as detrimental or harmful. I think we need to pray with it looking at both perspectives.

Here are some ways to pray with heat:

 ~ In the midst of heat, thank God for places of shade or cooling where you can be refreshed. Pray for those who have no way of escaping the heat.

~ Remember what it is like to come in from the cold to the comfort of warmth. Thank God for the opportunities to experience warmth and comfort. Pray for those who have no warm place to be.

 ~ Think of how the warmth helps the plants to grow. Thank God for the mystery of that growth. Pray for the farmers whose crops are destroyed by excessive heat and drought.

 ~ High heat allows forest fires to spread quickly. Pray for those who have lost their homes to fires this season. Pray also for those firefighters who risk their lives battling them.

~ Think of how heat is used to cook our food. Thank God for the ability to use heat in this way. Pray for those without food to cook or a place to cook it this day.

~ We often use the phrases heat or warmth as aspects of our lives.

Pray for those who are trapped in the heat of anger.

Ask God to help you be a person of warmth whom people are drawn to.

Be well and be at peace!                                                        

                                                       July 24, 2021

 For the next two weekends, there will be no posting of Thoughts on Prayer, only Program Reminders. One weekend I will be attending the First Profession of one of our Sisters and the next, Perpetual Profession of another. So it seems appropriate this week, to pray for those who are making life choices.

And so we pray:

~ For those who are discerning a call to religious life as a sister, nun, brother, monk, priest or deacon

~ For those who are moving toward marriage or any life commitment to another person

~ For those who are making plans to start a family through birth or adoption

 ~ For those who are striving to understand who and what and how God is calling them to be

All choice means saying no to another option, so..

~ For those who are letting go of other good options in order to embrace a choice they are making in a relationship, lifestyle, ministry or career path

May God be invited into the process of each of those decisions so that they may be life-giving!

Be well and be at peace! 

                                                            July 17, 2021

Not too long ago I woke up to a phone call that changed my plans for the day. It wasn’t bad, just something where I had to fill in. Shortly after that I received a text from a friend wishing me a day filled with little surprises – good ones! All sorts of things can surprise us – some are serious and some are fun.

Here are some ways to pray with surprise:

~ When you suddenly notice a flower that has just bloomed, or a rainbow at the end of a storm…thank God.

~ When you get a call, a letter, an email out of the blue from someone you haven’t connected with in a long time…thank God.

~ When you expect a difficult conversation to go badly and it doesn’t…thank God.

~ When you are faced with an unexpected situation, illness, piece of information…ask God to help you.

~ When your plans for the day have been completely rearranged by circumstances…ask God to help you.

~ When you are worried, concerned, bored, or complacent…ask God to fill your day with little surprises – good ones! And then be on the look out. They will show up, and when they do…thank God!

Be well and be at peace! 

                                                        July 10, 2021

Recently we spoke of we spoke about exercise as prayer. It required the use of our bodies in the process. Another way we need our bodies as part of prayer is by doing acts of service. This does not need to be a huge commitment. Every small act of kindness is a service to another. As Mother Theresa said, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love."

Here are some ways to pray with service:

~ Notice the daily activities of your day. Cooking a meal, doing laundry, making a bed, cleaning a toilet will benefit a partner, child, parent, neighbor. Pray through that activity for those it will benefit.

~ Notice small ways you can make someone’s day easier. Holding a door, letting another car enter heavy traffic, NOT honking the minute the light turns green, waiting patiently for a harried customer in line before you at the grocery store can make a difference in that person’s day. Pray through the patience you need to wait or help.

~ Notice when someone needs space. Sometimes stepping back and not helping is the greatest service you can offer. Pray that you will be able to recognize those moments when our greatest service to another is to remain quiet and not step in.

~ Notice the needs of your community. Perhaps you will see a need in which you can assist by volunteering to distribute food, visit a shut in, help clean up a park…the list is endless.

~ Ask God to help you do small things with love!

Be well and be at peace! 

July 3, 2021

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Thoughts on Prayer will resume next Saturday.

Be well and be at peace! 

                                                           June 26, 2021

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies, minds and emotions. But if you are like me, sometimes I have to really convince myself to do it! However, exercise can also be part of our spiritual practice (which has helped my sometimes reluctance)

Here are some ways to pray with exercise:

~ Notice the rhythm of your body as you are moving. Use a prayer phrase or mantra over and over to the rhythm of that movement and let it be a total body prayer.

~ Notice your breathing. Meditate on how the breath of God gives you life. Use a breath prayer (i.e. breathe in "acceptance", breathe out "surrender"; or breathe in "peace", breathe out "thank you": or create one of your own)

~ Make the intention that this time of exercise will be a time of prayer. Start out with some spiritual or scriptural reading that you can meditate on while exercising. Or, listen to some music that feeds your soul.

~ When you are exercising, whether inside or outside, notice the beauty of all that is around you – both the creation of God and the works of human hands – and thank God for all of it!

 Be well and be at peace!


                                                          June 19. 2021

As we pray for all fathers and father figures on this Father’s Day Weekend, I thought it would be a good time to consider our image of God. No single image can capture who God is or what God is like. While the image of God as father has been given to us by Jesus, that image can be helpful to many, and unhelpful to just as many.

Here are some ways to pray with our image of God:

~ What does God feel like, taste like, smell like, sound like, look like? Pray with whatever comes to mind AND you may even want to create your own prayer collage from images that come up.

~ Find a scripture passage (from any part of the bible ie. psalms, prophets, etc) with an image of God that appeals to you and pray with that passage.

~ Find a piece of art that speaks to you of God and pray with it.

~ Pray the Our Father slowly and meditate on each phrase, OR re-write that prayer in your own words using whatever image of God most appeals to you 

~ Meditate on how you are created in the "image and likeness of God" 

Be well and be at peace!

June 12, 2021

In the Catholic tradition, yesterday we celebrated the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and today is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So, it seems only appropriate to pray with our hearts today - perhaps in a little different way.

Here are some ways we can pray with our heart:

Place your hand or hands over your heart so that you can feel your heartbeat:

~ Pray that you can love yourself even a fraction of how much God loves you.

~ Pray for all of those that you love.

~ Pray for those that love you.

~ Pray for those you find difficult to love.

~ Pray for those who do not experience love in their lives.

~ Pray for those who believe they are unlovable.

~ Pray for those who have physical problems with their hearts.

~ Pray for cardiologists and all medical professionals who care for the physical needs of our hearts.

~ Pray for those who are experiencing a "broken heart".

~ Pray for all counselors, spiritual directors, therapists, and unknowing strangers that say or do the right thing to help us mend our hearts.

~ Pray that we can be God’s heart in our world!

Be well and be at peace!

June 5, 2021

Around here, the past week has been a bit dark and rainy. I found myself extremely grateful anytime the sun popped through for a moment. So as I enjoy this glorious sunny day, I thought perhaps we could pray with the sun!

Here are some ways we can pray with sun:


~ We pray for all of those for whom this is their first day of life! May their lives be filled with love, joy and wonder.

~ We pray for all for whom this is a new day:

~ For those who live in recovery from any addiction

~ For those who are recovering from any physical or mental illness

~ For those who are making some new choices in their lives

~ For those who are starting something new today

~ For all of those who are moving from darkness to light in any way


~ We pray for those who stand in the brightness of the day:

~ For those who stand in integrity of their values

~ For those who stand with the oppressed and bring injustice to light

~ For those who strive to "see" clearly

~ We pray for those who find the brightness too much:

~ For those who are blinded by too much light

~ For those experiencing famine because crops are scorched by too much sun and too little rain


~ We pray for those who feel stress and anxiety that they are running out of time.

~ We pray for those who struggle with limitations.

~ We pray for those for whom this is their last day. May they be at peace!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                         May 29, 2021

On this Memorial Day weekend, let us pray…

  • For all who have fought in any war

  • For all military families and families of veterans

  • For all who suffer from the effects of war, both soldiers and civilians

  • For all whose lives have been changed by war

  • For all who are left homeless as a result of war

  • For all those who refused to fight

  • For peace in our world and an end to all war, intolerance, injustice, oppression, greed and hatred

Be well and be at peace!


   May 22, 2021

I know I am repeating myself, but having spent a number of weeks considering ways to pray with our senses, I would like to revisit Ignatian prayer.

Here is another way to pray with your senses:

  • For any passage that tells a story (i.e. any Gospel passage, the Acts of the Apostles, or many parts of the Old Testament) St. Ignatius would invite us right into the story!

  •  Read through the passage once to get the sense of the story in your mind. Then read through it again, close your eyes and imagine yourself right in the story.

  • Who or what are you? You could be one of the people in the story, or someone who is not in the story but is related to one of the people. You could also be any object in the story – a tree, a boat, an animal.

  • What do you see, hear, feel, touch, smell, taste?

  • What is God speaking to you through this experience?

Be well and be at peace!

                                                           May 15, 2021

Our final sense is that of taste. I was remembering being in school and learning that there are 4 different types of taste receptors on our tongues – sweet, salty, sour and bitter

Here are some ways we can pray with our sense of taste:

Pay attention to what you taste:

  • Notice the sweetness in some foods. Think about the "sweet" experiences of your life – times when you were filled with an inner joy and love. Thank God for those sweet moments. Pray for all who have added a "sweet" component to your life.

  • Notice the saltiness in some foods. Think about the experiences in your life that were filled with action, energy and passion. Thank God for those bright moments. Pray for those who have added spice to your life.

  •  Notice the sourness in some foods. Think about those times when you have had to do or say something that was really difficult. Thank God for walking with you in those sticky, stretching moments. Pray for the grace to always approach these types of experiences with courage and compassion.

  • Notice the bitterness in some foods. Think about whether or not you are finding it difficult to forgive or are holding any grudges. Thank God for any insights about those painful moments. Pray for wisdom to know when to let go.


  • Notice what tastes like home – however you define home. What are your comfort foods? Thank God for all those people and experiences that have nurtured you and brought you comfort. Pray for those who are hungry, lonely, and afraid. Ask God to show you what you can do to help them.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                          May 8, 2021

We pause in praying with our senses, to pray with life on this Mother’s Day weekend:

  • We pray for those who have physically given us life.

  • We pray for all those who have nurtured us and mentored us throughout our life.

  • We pray for our Mother Earth who sustains our life.

  • We pray for those who are transitioning from this life to the next.

  • We pray in gratitude for the Breath of life we have received from God.

Be well and be at peace!                                                

                                                   April 30, 2021

If you have allergies, like me, perhaps the last thing you want to do is pray with your sense of smell. But I invite you to give it a try…at least in theory!

Here are some ways we can pray with your sense of smell:

Pay attention to what you smell:

  • Notice the fragrance of Spring – the scent of flowers, damp earth, spring rain, and freshly mown grass. Thank God for this season of new life. Pray for all of those in need of some "newness" in their lives.

  • Notice the scents of your home – the residual scent of the foods you like to eat, perhaps candles that you burn, the type of cleaning supplies you use. All of these create what connects in your brain as "home". Thank God for this refuge of comfort that you have. Pray for those who have no place to call home.

  • Notice the scents related to those you love – maybe it is a perfume, cologne or soap they always use; the smell of baby powder on an infant grandchild; or the sweat of hard work/play on a spouse coming in from outside. Thank God for all those who walk this path of life with you. Pray for those who are homeless, with nowhere to wash up and who’s "scent" may put others off.

  • Notice the smells that take you by surprise – our sense of smell has a very strong ability to connect us to distinct memories. Thank God for the memories of people and places that hold significance for us. Pray for those whose past holds pain, regret or fear.

Pay attention to what you don’t like to smell:

  • What smells or even toxins are we adding to the air we breathe?

Pray that God helps us all to find a way to breathe more deeply.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                          April 24, 2021

I heard someone say the other day that they were feeling touch deprived and understood that completely! So I thought that perhaps this was the week to explore praying with our sense of touch.

Here are some ways we can pray with touch:

Pay attention to what you feel:

  • Notice the elements. Feel the warmth of the sun on your body, the wind blowing your hair, the rain landing on your face, the rich earth in your fingers. Thank God for the elements of creation which sustain us. Pray that we can be open to what creation has to teach us.

  • Notice the textures of your clothes, your furniture, the objects you use daily. Feel that which is soft, hard, smooth, or rough. Thank God for the complexity of textures you encounter continuously. Pray for God’s guidance through all the emotional textures of your daily life.

  • Notice the temperature. It varies from hot to cold. Thank God for warmth on a snowy night and a cool breeze in the heat of summer. Pray for those who have no means to escape the extreme heat of a summer’s day or the freezing temperatures of a winter’s night.

  • Notice the touch of a loved one. Maybe you feel the clasp of a hand or the warmth of a hug. Thank God for those who touch your life with their presence. Pray for those who are alone or isolated.

Pay attention to what you don’t feel:

  • Who or what is are you unable to touch?

Pray that God helps you to find a way to connect by other means.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       April 17, 2021

As we continue praying with our senses, Spring is a lovely time to pray with our sight!

Here are some ways we can pray with our sight:

 Pay attention to what you see:

  •  Notice colors, both indoors and out in creation. Where do colors compliment each other and where do they clash? Thank God for the beauty and diversity of the colors. Pray that we can see the beauty in all diversity around us.

  • Notice the animals, both pets and wildlife. Watch their antics and behaviors. Thank God for their companionship and the lessons they teach us. Pray that we can respect the needs of all creatures.

  • Notice the faces of all who you encounter. How has life shaped the distinct features of each person? Thank God for the life of each person as you offer them a smile of your own! Pray for any special need or concern they may have.

  • Notice the work of our hands, from a knitted scarf to a skyscraper. Thank God for the wisdom and intelligence to create. Pray that we always create with the common good in mind.

Pay attention to what you don’t see:

  • Who or what is absent?

  • Does everything look too alike?

Pray that God gives you the eyes to see what is missing and the wisdom to know how to invite it back into view.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       April 10, 2021
I was noticing the birds chirping in the morning. Spring is happening! So I thought this might be a good time to begin praying with our senses.

Here are some ways we can pray with our hearing:

  • Pay attention to what you hear:

  • Notice those birds chirping? Thank God for the sounds of creation around you. Pray that we be good stewards of this earth.

  •  Notice the sound of raindrops on the windowpane or in a puddle? Thank God that we have drinkable water at our fingertips. Pray for those who have no shelter from the storms.

  •  Notice the voices of family members, co-workers, friends, or others you pass in the store? Thank God that those people have crossed your path this day. Pray for any special need or concern they may have.

  • Notice the sound of children at play? Thank God for the life and gifts they have yet to discover. Pray for those children who are scared or alone.

  • Notice the strains of music? Thank God for the beauty of the composers, singers and musicians who speak to our hearts. Pray for those who are too distressed to hear that beauty.

Pay attention to what you don’t hear:

  • Who is silent?

  • Who is missing from a conversation?

  • What is not being said?

  • What sound is no longer being heard?

Pray that God gives you the ears to hear this silence and the wisdom to know how to engage.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       April 3, 2021

For those of us in the Christian tradition, it is Holy Saturday. My first thought had been to skip sending anything out today, but after more reflection on this in-between time, between death and resurrection, I thought "What a perfect time to pray with grief!" There have been a lot of losses during this past year and truly grieving them is necessary.

Here are some ways we can pray with grief:

  • Perhaps a family member or friend, church member or neighbor has died this past year.

  •  Remember something nice about them and thank God for their presence in your life.

  •  If it was someone very close to you, allow yourself time to be sad or cry. Invite God into the sadness and tears.

  • Reach out to a relative of that person. Just listen. Allow them to share their sadness or retell a funny story. Ask God to help you be God’s presence.

Many people have died during this pandemic who we do not know.

  • Pray for their families and friends

  •  Pray for the medical staff who accompanied them as they died

  • Pray for those with no family, who died alone and unremembered

As a result of this pandemic, many lost jobs and our way of life as we knew it. Pray that God keeps our hope alive and lights a path toward new life.

May the blessings of New Life greet you as you emerge from this time of grief.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      March 27, 2021

During this time of year, people in both the Christian and Jewish traditions remember stories of oppression and suffering that end in freedom and new life.

  • Let’s pray for those in our world who are experiencing oppression this day:

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of the color of their skin

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their race or ethnicity

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their gender

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their sexual orientation

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their status or lack of it

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their age

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their level of education

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of where they live

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of their religious beliefs

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of physical or developmental limitations

  • For those who are treated unjustly because of our own judgements or opinions of "them"

May God give us the eyes to see all as our brothers and sisters, and treat each person with the dignity they deserve as children of God.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                        March 20, 2021

We have taken some time during this Lent to think about prayer and fasting. Today I thought we could prayer with the third aspect – alms giving. I like to think of it in terms of "What can we share with another?"

Here are some ways we can pray with alms giving/sharing:

  • For those who have the financial means, ask God to help you decide where you could give a monetary donation that would make a difference in someone’s life. Pray for those who will benefit from your generosity.

  • For those who have experienced life, share your wisdom with someone going through a similar experience or career. Perhaps you will consider becoming a mentor to someone. Pray for those God puts in your life who will benefit from your wisdom.

  • For those who have the availability of time, ask God to show you who might need someone to really listen to them. Consider volunteering somewhere, or simply giving a child or grandchild some extra time reading a book or drawing together. Pray for those who will benefit from your time.

  • For those who have smile to share (even if it is behind a mask), make a point of smiling or nodding at someone you pass in the store, at a doctor’s office, or in school who seem to be in need of a small kindness. Pray for those who will benefit from your smile.  

Be well and be at peace!

                                                         March 13, 2021

This week, we continue our look at fasting - this time from the perspective of our words, actions, and attitude. How we treat others makes a difference in our own lives, in the lives of other individuals, and in our world.

Here are some ways we can pray with fasting and our words, actions, and attitudes:

  • If a conversation turns toward gossip about another, ask God for the grace to stay silent, to walk away or to stop the conversation.


  • If you notice yourself judging another person, ask God to help you see that person from God’s point of view.


  • If you find yourself ready to criticize someone, ask God to help you find something to compliment instead.


  • If you find yourself excluding someone, ask God to help you find a way to include them in something.


  • If there is someone who really gets on your last nerve, do something nice for them for no reason.

Ask God to help you be a living word of kindness and compassion each day.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                        March 6, 2021

In the midst of Lent and as the Pope travels to Iraq, let us pray for peace:

  • For peace in the Middle East, that there be movement towards living in harmony with each other.

  • For those who cannot see eye to eye with another, that tolerance will lead to respectful listening.

  • For all those who live in the midst of war and violence, that they find a place of safety where they can live free of fear.

  • For hope amidst the rubble, that cities, towns and villages destroyed by war may be rebuilt.

  • For all who strive to bring peace to places of division, may that peace take root and grow.

  • For peace in our own hearts, that we may be instruments of a ripple effect of peace in our homes, our communities, and our world.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                     February 27, 2021

Last week, we looked at fasting from the perspective of abundance. This week, I offer a reflection from the perspective of time. How we spend our time in the course of a day can help give us a snapshot of our priorities. Lent is a good time to evaluate those priorities.

Here are some ways we can pray with fasting and time:

  • Write down what you do during the course of a day and a week. Include how much time you spend on each of those activities.

  • When you look at your activities, is there something you might want to fast from?... less time on social media, TV, computer, news, maybe even work!

  • With the extra time you gained from that decrease, is there something you might want to increase?... more time in prayer, reading scripture or studying, allowing yourself to be still and quiet, spending one on one time with a child or grandchild, calling someone who lives alone, grocery shopping or preparing a meal for an elderly neighbor, looking for a random act of kindness you can do each day.

Often, we say, "If only I had more time!" Ask God to help you "find" that time, decide how to use it, and bless that new activity.

 Be well and be at peace!

                                                       February 20, 2021

As we begin Lent this week, our thoughts may turn to the call to fast and the inevitable question of " What should I give up?" Over the years I have come to look at fasting from a few different perspectives. Today, let's think about it in terms of abundance. Many of us are privileged to have much.

Here are some ways we can pray with fasting and abundance:

  • Look at the clothes you have. Are there items that you have not worn in a long time? Every day of Lent choose one item and make a collection to give to those who are in need. Pray for those who will receive them.

  • If you have an urge to purchase something, ask yourself if you really need it. If you don't, perhaps you could use that money to purchase new socks, or underwear, or hats and gloves to give to the homeless shelters. Pray for those who will receive them.

  • Instead of giving up a particular type of food during lent, why not purchase food weekly to be distributed to those who are struggling to have enough to eat? Pray for those who will receive it.

  • Instead of thinking about what more you want, think about what you can share with others so that they have enough.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                    February 13, 2021

Last week, I offered one way of praying with scripture. Today, I am adding two more.

Here are more ways to pray with scripture:

For any passage that tells a story (i.e. any Gospel passage, the Acts of the Apostles, or many parts of the Old Testament) St. Ignatius would invite us right into the story!

  • Read through the passage once to get the sense of the story in your mind. Then read through it again, close your eyes and imagine yourself right in the story.

  • Who or what are you? You could be one of the people in the story, or someone who is not in the story but is related to one of the people. You could also be any object in the story – a tree, a boat, an animal.

  • What do you see, hear, feel, touch, smell, taste?

  • What is God speaking to you through this experience?

Another way is to pray with the psalms:

  • Pick a psalm and rewrite it in your own words.

  • Choose an emotion you are feeling right now, and write a psalm to God about your life that expresses that emotion.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                    February 5, 2021

Some of us take the time to read and pray with scripture, others of us only hear designated sections when we are attending or watching mass. As we move closer to Lent, I thought I would offer some ways to pray with scripture that may be either familiar or brand new to you.

Here is a way known as lectio divina (sacred reading):

This method can be done with any scripture passage (or for that matter, writings of the saints or other meditations)

  • Find a quiet space and sit comfortably - attentive to your prayer.

  • Choose a passage (maybe the reading of the day, one of the readings for the next Sunday, or whatever presents itself when you open your bible.)

  • Read the passage the first time and simply notice what word or phrase catches your attention. Allow yourself to let that word or phrase resonate.

  • Read the passage again, and reflect on how that word or phrase connects with something in your life right now.

  • Read the passage a third time and respond to God in whatever way seems appropriate given your reflection.

  • After the fourth reading, simply rest in the Word. Sit in the quiet and let God’s presence, through the reading, wash over you and envelope you.

For a more detailed explanation click here for a brochure from Contemplative Outreach. 

Be well and be at peace!

                                                         January 30, 2021

Those of us in the Northeast have been experiencing a "Polar vortex" these past few days. In other words, it is nasty cold!!! So I started thinking about the cold and wondered if there is a way to pray with it – there is.

Here are some ways to pray with the cold:

  • Pray for those who are homeless and are seeking shelter during these frigid days.

  • Pray for those whose finances do not allow them to warm their homes to a comfortable temperature.

  • Pray for the firefighters, police, utility workers and all who must work outside in the cold.

  • Pray for those who rely on public transportation and school children who must stand out in the cold waiting for a bus to arrive.

  • Pray for those who do not have adequate clothing to keep them warm enough.

  • Pray for the person who has given you the "cold shoulder".

  • Pray for the person you encounter that seems "cold or distant".

May we each be the warmth of God’s love in our world.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       January 23, 2021

According to church calendars, we are in what is called "ordinary time". But with the pandemic, it feels anything but ordinary! Sometimes I equate "ordinary" with other things like: normal, uneventful, less important, or even boring, and I pay less attention to it. However, God did not say, "I am with you only in the extraordinary, or the interesting or the miracle." God said, "I am with you always"

Here are some ways to pray with the ordinary:

  • Pay attention to something you take for granted everyday like getting out of bed in the morning or opening your eyes to see the sunrise. Thank God for those abilities and pray for those who cannot do that this day.

  • Take a drink of clean water and pray for those who do not have it.

  • Instead of rushing through a meal, actually notice the flavors you are tasting, and pray for those who are hungry this day.

  • When you get in a car or on a bus, be thankful for the engineering that made that possible to get where you need to go in comfort, and pray for those who do not have that access.

  • In the course of a conversation with a family member, friend or stranger, thank God for putting that person in your life, and pray for those who are alone.

Remember, God is with us and around us at all times…even in the ordinary. Pay attention – you may start to see God in the most unexpected places!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      January 16, 2021
Since this pandemic started, many people took to walking and hiking more. That time may have been shared with family members, friends, pets, or alone. St. Augustine once wrote, "It is solved by walking." Walking gives you time to gaze, to think, to wonder and to pray.

Here are some ways to pray while walking:

  • Allow each walk to be a time of prayer for a particular person or situation.

  • Choose a specific sentence or two as a mantra that you repeat over and over to the cadence of your footsteps (or perhaps a repetitive prayer like the rosary)

  • Allow the rhythm of your footsteps to lead you to a song, and see if that song turns into a prayer experience for you.

  • Gaze at the beauty of creation around you. Thank God for the many ways you are uplifted and sustained by that beauty.

  • If you are walking in a city or neighborhood, smile at those you pass and say a prayer for any needs or concerns they may have that day.

  • If you are walking with someone else, pray with them or for them.

And know that your God is your ever-present companion. You do not walk alone.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                 December 26, 2020

As this year draws to a close, let us pray for peace -

     Peace in our world

          Peace in our communities

               Peace in our homes

                    Peace in our hearts

Be well and be at peace!

Personal Note: I will be on my own retreat, so you will not be receiving Thoughts on Prayer for the next 2 Saturdays.  Sr. Sue


                                             December 19, 2020

We often see music as simply a means of entertainment, or a way of putting ourselves in a particular mood. Music may be seasonal, as we are experiencing right now. Music can also be prayer – which is why it is part of prayer experiences in virtually every faith tradition.

Here are some ways to pray with music:

  • When participating in communal prayer experiences, sing with full voice! As someone I knew once said, "God gave me this voice – I’m giving it back!"

  • Listen carefully to the words of the songs used in communal prayer experiences. What meaning do those words have in your life right now?

  • If there is a phrase of a song that speaks to you, allow that melodious phrase to become your mantra throughout the day.

  • Put on some instrumental music when you are praying. Allow it to touch your heart and raise your soul.

  • Listen to a different style of music than you usually do. Say a prayer for all those who are at home with that music.

  • If you are a musician, simply play your instrument and allow the notes to envelop you.

May the music of this season stir up fond memories and bring you peace!
Be well and be at peace!

                                                December 12, 2020

The holiday season means we get inundated with ads to "buy this, buy more". But gifts are so much more than items! As I mentioned last week, small acts of kindness can be a prayer - a gift to another.

Here are some more ways to pray with gifts:

  • Ask God to show you who needs the gift of your time – your undivided attention. Spend time with that person physically (if they are someone you live with), on the phone, or on Facetime or Zoom.

  • Spend some time in prayer reflecting on the gifts God has given you – are you a good baker? are you good at organizing? are you good at making people feel comfortable? do you have a good sense of humor? do you knit or build things out of wood? How can the gift God has given you become a prayer and a gift for someone else?

  • Are there people in your life who do not need one more thing? Honor them with a donation in their name to a cause that speaks to who they are. Allow it to be a prayer both for those who you are honoring and those you are helping.

May the gift of who you are be exactly the prayer someone needs to receive this day!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      December 5, 2020

As we prepare for the holidays, this year in particular, so many people are struggling – financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Any small act of kindness or compassion can be the greatest gift, the greatest prayer you can offer someone.

 Here are some ways to pray through acts of kindness:

  • Call someone who lives alone just to say you are thinking about them.


  • Check with your faith community and see if they know of a homebound member who could use a prayer partner. Pray with them over the phone or in person if it is safe to do so.

  • Look for organizations that are supplying food to those in need. Offer what you can, either by donating food, funds, or assisting in distribution if you are able.

  • Notice the cashiers, janitors, bus drivers. Ask them their name and thank them for what they are doing.

  • Be patient with the driver in the car in front of you who does not start immediately when the light turns green.

  • Bring some extra groceries around to someone you know needs them, but will not ask.

 Pray that God will show you, each day, the person most in need of a small act of kindness or compassion that you can fill.

 Be well and be at peace!

                                                 November 28, 2020

For those of us in the Christian tradition, tomorrow begins the season of Advent – a season of waiting and hope for light to be born into the darkness. Waiting can be really hard and we can become impatient. Waiting can also be a time of rich reflection as we enter into a stance of hopeful expectation.

Here are some ways to pray as we begin this time of waiting:

  • Use an advent calendar and or advent wreath to mark time through this season of waiting.

  • Each day, be a spark of light for someone who is struggling at this time, with some small act of kindness.

  • Pray for all those waiting for the results of medical tests, waiting to hear about a job, waiting to receive food.

  • Pray for all expectant parents.

  • Pray for all who are impatient at this time for whatever reason.

"Maranatha" means "Come Lord". Use it as a mantra through these coming weeks or create your own mantra.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      November 21, 2020

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, you may be frustrated that all is not "back to normal". In fact, there is still much to be wary of with this pandemic. Yet, whether we are celebrating on our own or within our small family bubble, there is still much to be grateful for!

Here are ways to pray in gratitude:

  • Write a letter or call or zoom someone to say how much you appreciate them being part of your life.

  • Make a list of things you are grateful for using the alphabet. Example: a – autumn leaves; b – Brian Jr. (my nephew); c - …

  • Take a gratitude walk outside and enjoy all of God’s creation

  • Make a list of all who have taught or mentored you throughout your life and say a prayer of thanks.

  • Start a gratitude journal where each night you enter 3 things you were grateful for during that day.

  • Make a point of saying "Thank you" to everyone who assists you in some way – the person who holds a door for you, the cashier at the grocery store…

  • Read the book "Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer" by Brother David Steindl-rast or watch THIS video that he created.

Meister Eckhart a Dominican theologian and mystic said, "If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough."

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       November 14, 2020

Sometimes I feel as if I am surrounded by a multitude of words – questions from people around me, ads ad infinitum on any TV show I am watching, texts and emails on my devices. I get wrapped up in those words and start doing the same thing…in prayer. I subject God to lots of words about what did happen, and what should happen, and what God should do, and why. I was reminded this week, that sometimes one word will do.

Here are ways to pray with one word:







You might want to try saying one of these prayers or you might have a one-word prayer of your own. God is listening!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       November 7, 2020

It has certainly been a week – some have seen it as fascinating, some frustrating, some scary, and some hopeful. Many have prayed through these days of election that are not completely over. Regardless of when the actual counting of ballots will be complete, I suggest we can continue to pray.

Here are ways we can continue to pray with our recent election:

  • Many more people exercised their right to vote this year. Remember that many around the world do not have that freedom, and give thanks to God for our ability to do so.

  • Thousands of poll workers and ballot counters have worked significant numbers of hours and days to facilitate our right to do so. Give thanks to God for the sacrifices they made to devote time to this process.

  • Someone will eventually come out the winner and someone will lose. Regardless of who that is, thank God for their willingness to serve our country and each of us.

  • We may be pleased with the outcome or disappointed, as will our family members, friends and neighbors. Ask God to guide us so that our conversations are open and understanding of both sides and lead to acceptance instead of division.

  • Pray that all our elected leaders chose to do so with integrity and wisdom.

  • Pray that each of us chose to act and serve in our own small ways, grounded in the values of our faith and with an eye to the common good.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      October 31, 2020

It’s Halloween – so I started thinking. As a kid, we dressed up as something scary, or a hero heroine we admired, or something funny, or something creative or practical. Haunted houses were decorated with skeletons and tombstones and spider webs. Can we pray with that? Yes we can!

Here are some ways to pray with Halloween:

  • There are a lot of things that scare us right now. Say a prayer for those who are afraid.

  • There are a lot of heroines around us: doctors, nurses, teachers, bus drivers, grocery store clerks, firefighters, police and the list goes on. Say a prayer for their safety and strength.

  • It is easy to get caught up in the serious issues surrounding us and in our lives. Say a prayer for those who remind us to lighten up and enjoy life too.

  • We have had to reinvent ways to connect with others, work, teach, live. Say a prayer for those who have imagined new ways for us to do all those things.

  • And those empty haunted houses – remember those who have no house this day because of fire or flood or loss of a job. Say a prayer that they have a safe place to be this night.

  • Skeletons and cobwebs? Is there something that is within you or clinging to you that you can’t let go of. Ask God to help you forgive or accept or let go – whatever is needed.

Graves? May we be mindful of all who have died and all who mourn.

Be safe tonight, and allow all you see and experience on this Halloween evening lead you into some deeper reflection.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                       October 24, 2020

Last week I spoke of praying with color. Today I would invite you to add to that prayer a shape – more specifically, a circle. "Mandala" is the Sanskrit word for circle. This shape, and patterns within this shape can become another way of praying without words.

Here are some ways to pray with mandalas:

     Take a walk outside and see how many you can find. A spider web, a tree trunk that has been cut where you can see all it’s rings, the petals of a rose, the ripples of a stone dropped in still water. If you can’t go outside imagine some of these things or search them on your computer. Give praise for the glory of what God has created.

     Look up the mandalas of Hildegard of Bingen – a Doctor of the Church whose visions/illuminations were drawn at her direction. Pray with one of Hildegard’s mandalas.

     Get yourself a mandala coloring book or download some mandala coloring sheets off the internet. Allow yourself to simply enjoy the process of playing with color and design and ask God to be present to you in that process.

     Create your own mandala (and take a deep breath – you do not have to be an artist) Simply draw a big circle on a piece of paper (or trace the outline of a dinner plate) Before you begin, put your hands on the paper and make the intention that this will be your prayer in this moment. In the center of the circle, draw something that is a symbol of God for you, and then allow yourself to fill in the mandala however seems right to you. Again, this is not about creating a piece of art, it is about praying and connecting with your God through color and shape. Thank God for the experience and any musings that may have arisen in the process.
Be well and be at peace!

                                                          October 17, 2020

Each season has its own beauty, and as we move more deeply into fall, I am aware of so many gorgeous colors all around us! Colors that are bright as well as those that are more subtle or quiet; colors that compliment each other as well as contrast with each other. It is the cacophony of all of it together that makes up such beauty.

Here are some ways to pray with color:

Walk outside or look out a window and let your attention be drawn to a color. Allow yourself to be captivated by or drawn into whatever you see and thank God for that gift.

Think about your life in terms of color -

  •      What color does it feel like right now?
  •      Is it bright or more quiet and subtle?

Talk to God about what that brings up for you.

  •      Who has God put in your life that compliments yours?
  •      Who are the people who give contrast to your life?

Thank God for the beauty and gift of all of that diversity in your life.

Find some crayons or colored pencils (or treat yourself to a new box of crayolas!) Allow yourself to choose a color – whichever one you are drawn to or feel like. On a piece of paper or in a journal, simply play with that color – allow it to be a wordless expression and a wordless prayer to God.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                     October 10, 2020

It seems to me that there has been a lot of "letting go" in 2020! Letting go of our "normal" way of life; letting go of plans; letting go of routines; letting go of the way we have thought; letting go of some long-held beliefs; letting go of family or friends at a distance; letting go of people we love to this virus; letting go of what school looks like; perhaps being let go of our employment or income.

Here are some ways to pray with the "letting go":

In this season of Autumn, take some time to look at the trees. How does the tree let go? Maybe you wish to "name" a leaf with something you are letting go of. Notice that leaf gently falling to the ground or being blown about in the wind. Just be with that experience.

The 12 step folks have a saying, "Let Go and Let God". Make that your mantra for the week.

Use the breath prayer we have spoke of before: As you breathe in say to yourself "Acceptance". As you breathe out, "Surrender".

Go to the Contemplative Outreach website and explore the Welcoming Prayer:

Listen to (sing to, dance to) "Let it Go" from Frozen:

Remember, our loving God is with us every step of the way and will give us the strength we need to handle any "letting go" that is before us!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                     October 3, 2020

Tomorrow (October 4) is the Feast of St. Francis. On this early Autumn day, let us use Francis’ words to pray in praise of all creation!

                                                    Canticle of Brother Sun

Most high, all-powerful, all good, Lord
All praise is yours, all glory, all honor
And all blessing.
To you, alone, Most High, do they belong.
No mortal lips are worthy
To pronounce your name.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through all that you have made,
And first my lord Brother Sun,
Who brings the day; and light you give to us through him.
How beautiful is he, how radiant in all his splendor!
Of you, Most High, he bears the likeness.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Moon and Stars;
In the heavens you have made them, bright
And precious and fair.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Brothers Wind and Air,
And fair and stormy, all the weather’s moods,
By which you cherish all that you have made.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Brother Fire,
Through whom you brighten up the night.
How beautiful is he, how merry! Full of power and strength.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Earth, our Mother,
Who feeds us in her sovereignty and produces
Various fruits with colored flowers and herbs.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through those who grant pardon
For love of you; through those who endure
Sickness and trial.
Happy those who endure in peace,
By you, Most High, they will be crowned.

All praise be yours, my Lord, through Sister Death,
From whose embrace no mortal can escape.
How dreadful for those who die in sin!
How lovely for those found in Your Most Holy Will.
The second death can do them no harm.

Praise and bless my Lord, and give him thanks,
And serve him with great humility.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                  September 26, 2020

When I looked out the window this morning, it had just started to get light as the new day was beginning. By the time I was really up… the fog had rolled in. It made me think about how much fog has been in my life during these last 6 months of the pandemic (and still is). Sometimes the fog has been in my brain as I tried to remember which day it was. Sometimes the fog has been in my plans when I was not sure what step to take next. Sometimes the fog has been in my heart when I just felt cranky for no apparent reason.

So here are some ways to pray with the fog:

  • If your thoughts or memory are foggy, pray for clarity and the ability to be patient with yourself.

  • If the fog rolls in on you and your plans, slow down and pray for the ability to see just the next step.

  • If the fog envelopes your heart, and your emotions shift to ones that are less than pleasant, remember that this too is not a permanent state. Pray for the grace to accept this moment as it is, and the grace to experience the sunlight again.

Fog can be unsettling, confusing, and frustrating. As such, it calls us to slow down and proceed with caution. It can also be quite beautiful as it shrouds or frames objects in a way that cause us to see differently. Whatever our experience of fog, we are never in it alone. Our God is with us…reach out, take God’s hand and let yourself be led safely onward.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                          September 19, 2020

There was a stink bug in my bedroom this morning. I find them very annoying! This is the time of year when they try to come inside to hibernate and they actually leave a path we cannot see that leads others to follow them in. It made me think about some of the other "annoyances" in my life – things that distract me from seeing the good in others, things I notice about myself that I am less than tolerant of, things that get in the way of my plan for my day…the list goes on!

Here are some ways to pray with annoyances:

  • If you are focused on how someone annoys you, think of a characteristic that you like about them and ask God to bless them.

  • If you find yourself saying something negative about yourself (out load or inside your head) remember that you are precious in God’s sight and God loves you just the way you are, and ask God to bless you.

  • If you find that something unexpected has evolved in the middle of your day, let go of your plan as best you can, be present to the need that is in front of you, and ask God to bless this moment.

What we focus on grows. If we focus on one stink bug – one annoyance – we are more likely to create a path for others to follow – we continue to be annoyed by just about everything to follow. Ask God to give you the grace to let go of whatever is annoying you and to bless the rest of your day.

Be well and be at peace!

                                                     September 12, 2020

Do you have one thing that reminds you that God is with you? Or maybe a special message that you need to hear often? Some might call this a touchstone or a touchstone experience. Since we can’t physically see God, sometimes a particular object or symbol can remind us of an experience we have had or that message. For some, a rainbow is a message of hope, for others a butterfly reminds then that they are precious in God’s eyes. Symbols are an important part of our prayer.

Here are some ways to pray with symbols:

Think about what symbol is an important reminder to you of God’s presence to you. Is there a special message it represents? Take some time to remember how that connection started.

Pay attention to how many times you notice that symbol as you go about your day.

Perhaps you have that symbol as a small item. You might want to carry it about with you in your pocket this week.

Perhaps it is not a pocket type object but you can put that object or a picture of the symbol in your prayer space.

Pray with that symbol, look at it or hold it. Remember how it connects you to God – and say a prayer of thanks for God’s special reminder to you!

 Be well and be at peace!     

                                                     September 5, 2020

So, it’s Labor Day weekend! For some it means the last days of vacation, for others family gatherings, for still others it is the last reminder that school will start soon. But it is a time to honor work – all work – whether we sit in an office or collect trash, build buildings or raise our children. All work is necessary and a blessing to the entire community. I thought, perhaps today we could pray for all workers.

 We pray for those who create:
  - engineers, carpenters, landscapers, bakers, designers, writers, farmers, and…..

 We pray for those who bring beauty:
  - musicians, artists, dancers, poets, hair stylists and…

 We pray for those who plan:
  - teachers, administrators, parents, community leaders and…

 We pray for those who serve others directly:
  - counselors, health care providers, receptionists, faith leaders and…

 We pray for those who meet our daily needs:
  - bus drivers, trash collectors, grocery store stockers, plumbers and…

 We pray for those who are unemployed and unable to find work and…

We pray for those whose time for working is done and who are learning how to simply be and receive….

And so many more!!

Be well and be at peace!   


                                                     August 29, 2020

These past few days, we have watched as Hurricane Laura inundated some of our Southern states with water – leaving destruction in its wake. While out west, acres of land and houses are being destroyed by fire because of lack of water. Water can be powerful or gentle, but regardless, it is necessary for life. It can quench our thirst, cleanse our bodies, nurture our gardens and calm our souls.

Here are some ways to pray with water:

When you take a drink of clean water, thank God for that gift andpray for those who simply do not have clean water to drink.

When you take a shower, imagine the water washing away any concerns or worries, judgments or self-criticisms that you have been carrying.Allow God to give you a fresh new start.

When you wash your hands, occasionally bless yourself with the water as a symbolic reminder of your Baptism or commitment to your relationship with God.

If you have the opportunity to be near water (a lake, a river, an ocean, a stream) simply look and listen to the sound it makes, the way it moves and glints in the sunlight or moonlight. If you can’t go to the water, enjoy it the next time it comes to you in the form of rain – listen to it, walk in it, watch it dance.Allow God to calm your heart and speak to your soul through the sight and sound and feel and smell and taste of the water.

And pray for all of those whose lives have been devastated by too much or too little water! 

Be well and be at peace!

                                                         August 22, 2020

I realize, during these past few weeks in particular, there has been a lot of focus on what school will look like. Some have started up already and others are delayed. I thought, perhaps today we could pray for all of those involved in those decisions.

 We pray for parents:
      - who have to decide how their child/children learn best
      - who have to make choices of going to work or staying home to teach
      - who have to think about where they will get fed (mentally and physically)
      - who have to take into account their children’s health and the health of those in the household

We pray for teachers:
      - who have to figure out how they can best teach each child according to their needs
      - who have to be ready for formats to change on a dime
      - who have to be mindful of the health and wellbeing of their own families

We pray for administrators:
      - who have to make the daily decisions of how to ensure safety and effectiveness of all plans

We pray for school bus drivers, aides, janitors, nurses, food personnel and all who have a role in caring for our children daily

And we pray for our children – that wherever they do their studies – they grow in wisdom and knowledge, in health and safety, knowing that they are precious in our sight and in the sight of God!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                        August 15, 2020

It is a fact that when we are stressed or anxious, we begin to breathe more shallowly…and situations during these past months have certainly added to the stress level of all of us! I know, for myself, when I notice my breathing become more shallow, it is time to take a few moments for prayer - and the prayer of those few moments can actually be focused around breath.

Here are some ways to pray with breath:

Stand or sit outside for a few minutes. Close your eyes and feel the breeze around you. Remember the first lines from the book of Genesis where the breath/wind/Spirit of God swept over the formless void and then light was created? Allow that breath of God to sweep around you, giving you light.

Take a few minutes wherever you are and close your eyes. Remember in Ezekiel 37 when God breathes life into the dry bones? Ask God to breathe life into the dry spots in your life.

Take a few minutes wherever you are and close your eyes. Remember in John 20 when Jesus appears to the disciples locked in a room, saying "Peace be with you" and he breathes the Holy Spirit on them? Imagine Jesus taking your face gently in his hands and breathing his peace onto you.

Spend a few minutes doing some intentional breathing. Close your eyes. focus on your breath and as you inhale say to yourself "Acceptance" and as you exhale, "Surrender".

Be well and be at peace!

                                                    August 8, 2020

Today is the Feast of St. Dominic, founder of a family known as an Order of Preachers. So, as we celebrate with our Dominican Sisters and Brothers throughout this struggling world, I would like to share a prayer from our Dominican tradition.

A Dominican Blessing (13th Century)

May God the Father bless us,
May God the Son heal us,
May the Holy Spirit enlighten us and give us
eyes to see with,
ears to hear with,
and hands to do the work of God with,
feet to walk with,
and a mouth to preach the word of salvation with,
and the angel of peace to watch over us
and lead us at last,
by our Lord’s gift, to the kingdom.


Be well and be at peace!

                                                         August 1,  2020

During this time when many of our activities have changed, many people are spending more time with their gardens – both flower and vegetable. Gardens show up in the sacred stories in many religious traditions.
Here are some questions to use while praying in your garden (or looking out at another person gardening):

Meister Eckhart speaks of the "ground of our being" – Who is the Ground of my being – what does my soul sink its roots into?

What seeds have been planted in this soil?

What life bursts forth?

How do I nurture that life?

What life finds a home in my soil?

What needs to be weeded out, thinned or moved to another location of the garden?

Can I see the beauty/fruit in what comes forth from the garden (whether intentional or not)?
Be well and be at peace!

                                                      July 25, 2020

 It has been said that "The only constant in life is change." (Heraclitus) We have all been experiencing tremendous change in our life – how and where we work, go to school, pray with others, shop, relax, exercise. The list is endless! Adapting to a state of constant change takes a lot of energy.

Here is a great prayer to use when faced with change in our lives:

God, grant me
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

 Be well and be at peace

                                                          July 18, 2020

Perhaps as a child you were told, "Don’t play with your food!" During these last few months, food has been very much the focus for so many. So I thought I would change the statement to, "Please pray with your food!"

Here are some ways we can pray with food:

As you are cooking or eating, recognize the ingredients as fruits of the earth – say a prayer for the earth.

Be mindful of the farmers and ranchers who grow our crops and raise the animals that become our food. They are at the mercy of both the weather and our economic system – say a prayer for them.

Much of our food needs to be packaged and transported for us to have access – pray for the truckers, those who package, those who stock shelves, cashiers.

Many people prepare food prior to packaging – say a prayer for bakers and butchers who make our lives easier.

Sometimes we allow others to cook for us as we return to restaurants – pray for the chefs, the servers, the dishwashers who are gifting us with their talents.

If you are cooking for someone else – pray for those who will be recipients of your gift.

Pray for those who are without food this day, those who do not know how they will feed their families.

Pray for those who are working to provide food to the hungry – ask God to bless their efforts and ponder if there is something you can do to assist.

And as you sit down to partake of what is in front of you, say grace – thanking God for the gift which you are about to receive!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                      July 11, 2020

 We are a global community. With all of our technology, we know about happenings on the other side of the world instantly. This time of self-quarantining has allowed many of us to use technology to connect and pray with a wider scope of people than usual. Last week I mentioned that many other religions have some form of "The Golden Rule".

Let us simply pray that prayer of peace in its many forms:

13 Religions present "Golden Rules" for Peace


"We are as much alive as we keep Earth alive."
~ Chief Dan George


"Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself."
~ Baha’u’llah


"Treat not others in way that you yourself would find hurtful."
~ The Buddha


"In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you."
~ Jesus (Matthew 7:12)


"One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct: loving kindness.  Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself."
~ Confucius


"This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you."
~ Mahabharata 5:1517


"Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself."
~ Muhammad


"One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated."
~ Mahavira, Sutrakritanga


"What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary."
~ Rabbi Hillel, Talmud


"I am a stranger to no one; and no one is a stranger to me. Indeed, I am friend to all."
~ Guru Granth Sahib


"Regard your neighbor’s gain as you own gain and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss."
~ T’ai Shang P’ien


"We affirm and promote respect for the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part."


"Do not do unto others whatever is injurious to yourself."
~ Shayast-na-Shayast 13:29

Be well and be at peace!


                                                      July 4, 2020

 Independence as a growing child is a good thing, as we learn to stand on our own from our parents. Independence as a nation over 200 years ago, was a good thing. It allowed us to have certain rights, such as the right to pray as we choose. Yet independence is one end of the spectrum and at times we may have lost the fact that we need to be interdependent. What has become more and more clear in these last few months is the necessity of this need to be interdependent – to be mindful of the common good, because simply put, we need each other.

So on this Independence Day, let us exercise our right to pray:

  •  For our country, that we come to know unity within our diversity

  • For those who are oppressed by unjust norms, systems, ideas

  • For those who are trapped by fear of violence, cynicism, judgment

  • For those who feel they are alone or invisible

  • For those who are isolated because of the virus or other circumstances

  • For those who feel hopeless or forgotten

  • For those who are homeless, hungry, ill

  • For those who have no access to adequate water, employment, education

  • For those among us who are the most vulnerable

  • For this earth that we live upon, that we treat it with as much respect as we treat each other

Each religion has some form of "The Golden Rule – Do to others as you would want done to you." Today, in the many ways that we pray, may we pray for each other and become the prayer that we pray.

 Be well and be at peace!

                                                       June 27, 2020

How many times have you said to your children or grandchildren, "Pay attention"? Or how many times has someone said to you, "Are you listening to me?" It is easy in this new norm to feel scattered or to have a hard time staying focused. It takes a certain amount of energy to rethink ways of doing things that once were very normal tasks. Prayer is a way of giving God our attention and allowing ourselves to be the center of God’s attention.

Here are some ways we can pray by paying attention:

Use your senses. When you are cooking, be aware of the smells and taste. If you are out walking, feel the sun on your face, the see the beauty of the flowers, hear the chirping of the birds. Thank God for these small ways God is present to you.

Take some time to give God your full attention. Find a quiet spot and a quiet time in your day to simply sit with God and invite God to sit with you. Let God listen to you and take some time to listen to God.

Look for God. Actively look for God hidden in your current experience, conversation with another, or activity. God is playing Hide-and-Seek all around us! The more we find God, the more we will notice God in the most unlikely places. God delights in being found!

 Be well and be at peace!


                                                          June 20, 2020

What a difference a day makes…or an hour…or a moment! I don’t know about you, but during the experience of finding a new normal, I find that my thoughts and feelings can shift suddenly as I hear something or see something…or for no apparent reason. Last week I offered one specific way of praying through our day by looking back on it.

Here are a few more ways we can pray with our day:

If you find yourself caught it the worries of what has or could happen –

Close your eyes and take a few deep breathes. You may even want to put your hand on your heart as you do so, remembering God is with you in everything.

As they say in the 12 step programs, "Be where your feet are." Literally, you might want to look at your feet or at your surroundings and bring yourself back to this current moment… remembering God is with you in everything.

Start a gratitude journal. (Remember when you were told to count your blessings?) Write down a few things each day that you are grateful for. No blessing, no grace, no thing is too small. The more you notice, the more you will see…and in the process, it will become easier to remember that God is with you in everything!

Be well and be at peace!

                                                         June 13, 2020

 For the majority of us, our days have been very different than they were a few months ago. Perhaps you are working from home or not working at all. Some have been teaching your children or grandchildren. Maybe you have had to make difficult decisions as a result of financial changes. You may be spending extra time caring for neighbors. Our days have become very different.

Here is a way we can pray with our day:
At the end of your day, take some time to review it.  Ask God to be with you as you do so.
     Where were the blessings?
                 For what are you most grateful?

     Where did you struggle?
                 For what are you least grateful?

     Decide if there anything you need to do about this.

When were you most aware of God during your day?
Say a prayer of thanks and ask God to give you the grace you need for the next day.

(There are many variations to the examen of consciousness suggested by St. Ignatius. Explore others by searching on line)

Be well and be at peace!


                                                           June 6, 2020

 In light of so many unjust deaths, these past days of violence and unrest have brought out both the worst and the best in us.

Today I simply offer the Prayer of St. Francis as our reflection for the week:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Be well and be at peace!

May 30, 2020

 It has been said that what we focus on expands or grows. When we focus on something we don’t like about a person or situation, it becomes easy to see more things we dislike. But the same is true in the positive! When we notice the good, we start seeing more good. One of the things that I am enjoying are the number of "good" stories on the news these days – stories of kindness, compassion, hope and caring.

Here are some ways we can pray with "the good":

As you interact with people today, notice what you like about them and say a silent prayer, blessing them.

If you see or hear of someone acting or doing something kind for another, affirm them (or thank them if it is appropriate do so).

If you see or hear of something on the news or in your community that helps others and which interests you, think about ways that you can help move that forward.

If you find yourself in a conversation where some person or situation is getting put down, do not build on it. See if you can add something good about it to fill out the perspective, or simply remove yourself from that conversation.

Look for the good. Encourage the good. Be the good!

 Be well and be at peace!

May 23. 2020

Last week, I spoke about different ways of praying with words. This week, I thought I would share a few more ideas using words – through writing or journaling. You do not have to be a "good" writer to write in a journal – no one is going to see it but you!

Here are some different ways we can pray by journaling:

The simplest way is to pick up your pen and write to God. Tell God what you are thinking and feeling. Write down what you are questioning or wondering about. It may be only a few sentences or it may turn out to be a few pages. When we put on paper what has been circling around in our brains, it may become clearer to us. It can be one way of allowing God to speak to us.

If you want to be a little more adventurous, you could do some "Right Hand, Left Hand Journaling" Have a conversation with God in your journal in this way: Let your dominant hand be you and begin writing with that hand – a thought or a question. Then switch your pen to your non-dominant hand and let that be God – answer the question, or make a comment or reply with another question. Keep moving your pen from hand to hand until the conversation is complete. Are you putting words in God’s mouth? Maybe, but as often as I have done this, my non-dominant hand has given me insight or questions I would not have come up with on my own.

For those who are a little more poetic, you might want to write your own psalm. The psalms were songs written to express a multitude of feelings to or about God. Create your own psalm of the day focused on what you are feeling, what you are seeing, what you are understanding.
Be well and be at peace!​

                                                       May 16, 2020  

 There are lots of words spinning around us these days and sometimes it is difficult to know which ones to land on. The same can happen with prayer. The first prayers we were "taught" likely had specific words that we learned by heart. But there are so many prayers out there, which ones should I land on?

 Here are some different ways we can pray using words:

You may choose a specific prayer you learned long ago – a psalm, the Our Father, the rosary, a devotional prayer. These "long ago" prayers can often help ground or root us.

You may explore prayers from saints, spiritual books or websites that seem to express what you are thinking and feeling. You may find the similarities comforting in knowing that you are not alone. You may also find prayers that are challenging – stretching you to look at situations in a different way and helping you to grow.

Remember, you do not need a phone or device or link to have a conversation with God. You can simply speak from your heart, using your own words. If you are going for a walk or taking a drive, imagine God walking with you or sitting in the passenger seat. Have a conversation with God about what is going on in your life – your hopes and your worries. And don’t forget to allow a little time just to be quiet together and listen. You may even sense what God is saying back to you.

 Be well and be at peace!

May 9, 2020

We have to have a sense of humor in the midst of all of these days. I think God does too! I woke up this morning, thinking about our friends with fur and feathers and was reminded of the refrain of a song - "All God’s critters got a place in the choir. Some sing low, some sing higher. Some sing out loud on the telephone wire. Some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they got there."

 Here are some ways we can pray with God’s creatures:

 If you sit quietly by your window or on a porch or walking slowly outside, what are you seeing? Birds pecking for food? How many different kinds of birds and colors of feathers? Notice their song, their beauty, grace in flight, pairing with a mate. Maybe you have the opportunity to watch one building a nest or a hawk soaring through the air. What does God say to you through them about freedom, worry, beauty, diversity?

And what about those squirrels chasing each other? What does God say to you through them about playfulness, surety of foot, saving for the future, alertness?

What else do you see outside? Deer? Fish? Raccoon? Bear?

And what about our indoor friends – cats, dogs, fish, birds, lizards, etc? They have no worries during this pandemic. They are still as loyal, faithful, playful, relaxed, and carefree as usual because they know they are cared for. What about you? Do you know you are cared for? What is God saying to you through these faithful companions of yours?

Be well and be at peace!

May 2, 2020

These days have certainly been different! For many of us we have had the opportunity to be out in Creation a bit more – taking hikes, sitting in our yards, going for walks. Some of us may be more limited – confined to our homes looking out. Creation offers us much in the way of beauty, hope, transformation, and patience.

Here are some ways we can pray with Creation:

Whether you are inside or outside, pay attention to a particular plant – tree/bush/flower. Over the next couple of days, watch how it grows and changes – leaves growing, buds forming, flowers blossoming. Notice the new growth on what was seemingly lifeless as it endured the winter.

Use as many of your senses as you can! See the colors. Hear the birds chirping, the wind blowing, the rain falling. If you are outside, feel the breeze on your skin and smell the fragrance of the flowers or new mown grass. Let a tree or flower speak to your soul.

Praise God for the wonder of Creation – realizing that you are just as intricate and beautiful as all you are seeing around you!

(For those of you wondering "What about the animals?" We’ll talk about that next week)

Be well and be at peace!

                                                  ​April 25, 2020

These days it is easy to get overwhelmed or discouraged by the news.  We can have it 24-7 and it doesn’t take much to get drawn into it frequently - looking for signs of hope or change or any bit if information that they did not have an hour earlier.

Here are some ways we can pray with the news:

As each story comes on the screen, say a prayer for all those involved. A story about what is happening in a local nursing home could lead you to pray for the residents, the families of the residents, the health care workers, the housekeepers and food service workers.

If you can’t hear one more thing, turn the volume off and pray with the images – for the people and situations that you see before you.

If you’re looking at a newspaper or articles on line, read a headline and hold the situation in prayer before continuing on.

While we often pray that God will “fix” a situation, perhaps our prayer can be that wisdom, understanding, hope and love fill each one – regardless of whether it is a person/decision we agree with or not.

Be well and be at peace!

April 18, 2020

Sometimes it is just hard to pray!  Maybe we feel discouraged or overwhelmed, and prayer may feel like just one more thing to do.  Here are some simple ways that might help in those situations:

Pray a prayer you know by heart.  Maybe you learned it long ago – like the Our Father, or rosary, or a psalm.

Spend a few minutes doing some intentional breathing. Close your eyes. focus on your breath and as you inhale say to yourself “Acceptance” and as you exhale, “Surrender”.

Simply sit in your favorite chair with a cup of hot tea or coffee or hot chocolate.  Just let yourself be there with no words and let God love you!

Be well and be at peace! 

April 11, 2020

For those of us in the Christian tradition, Holy Saturday is a day of waiting – an in between time where those first followers were not sure what just happened or what was yet to come and when.  Kind of like now…

So, in this time of sacred waiting, I invite you to take a technology break - just for an hour or whatever timeframe makes sense in your life right now.  Turn off the tv or radio, your music or phone and allow yourself to enter into some sacred silence.  Notice what you hear.  Listen to the wind blowing in the trees or the birds chirping. Pay attention to your own breathing or put your hand on your chest and be mindful of your heartbeat.  Maybe you live with others.  Close your eyes and listen to the cadence of their voices as you recognize each one. Allow God to speak to your heart in the simple sounds around you as, together, we wait.

Be well and be at peace!     

Holy Week 2020 Reflection


April 4, 2020

In this time of social distancing, we are very aware of the space between ourselves and others – both physically (6’) and virtually (via technology).

But how are you creating space for God at this time?  Here are two ways to look at it:

Create a prayer space in your house/apartment/room

In that space you might have a small table or corner of the floor where you can lay a scarf.  You might want to place a candle or symbol that directs your thoughts toward God on that cloth.  Keep in that space your bibleor meditation books, your journal, your knitting, your coloring…  If you only have a small space, sitting in your favorite chair and lighting a candle or putting on instrumental music can turn the atmosphere into prayer time until the candle is blown out or the music is turned off. 

If you live with others ask that whenever anyone is sitting in that space, the others respect that as prayer time and do not interrupt. Allow others to use that space or create their own.

Create space in your day for God

In this time of new routines, think about what time of day is easiest for you to connect with God – first thing in the morning? as the end of the day? right after lunch when everyone else has gone outside for a bit?

Find the time that works best for you and make it part of your daily routine.

Be well and be at peace!


                                         March 28, 2020

I have heard it said that “All prayer is relationship.” How has your prayer, your relationship with God been going these past days? It can become difficult when our whole daily routine is upended.

Here are some thoughts to remember:

If you are living with others:

          Try to find a place where you can be by yourself and take at least 5 minutes of quiet time with God.
          Find some time during the day to pray with those you live with. This may be as simple as saying grace together, or it may involve sitting down together at a time that you would usually have gone to services - read Scripture together and share what that Word means to you.

If you live alone:
          Reach out and call someone who you have seen at your place of worship. Connect about life as it is now and offer a word of encouragement from your own prayer.

Be well and be at peace!