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Spiritual direction, sometimes referred to as spiritual guidance or spiritual friendship, explores a deeper relationship with the spiritual aspect of being human.
The primary focus of spiritual direction is a person’s relationship with God as it is reflected and challenged by all aspects of that person’s life.
Spiritual direction encourages you to experience a closer relationship with God. You might come to spiritual direction for a variety of reasons, including to:
Usually sessions are once a month for an hour. The suggested offering is $25-$40 per session. If you are interested in exploring this with one of our qualified directors please call our office at 393-4169 to begin the conversation.
Spiritual Director
518-393-4169 / Fax (518) 393-4525
Dominican Retreat
and Conference Center
Sister Christine Connolly, OP, joined the staff of the Dominican Retreat & Conference Center in August, 2016. Sr. Chris has been engaged in the ministry of spiritual direction and retreat work for over 30 years. She is a trained spiritual director and served at Clarent Center in Chicago, conducting retreats for college students, seminarians and your adults, while concurrently serving as spiritual director at the Loyola University Institute for Pastoral Studies. Sr. Chris is a member of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. She has a master’s degree in pastoral ministry from Boston College and a master’s in pastoral studies with a concentration in Scripture from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. Sr. Chris is a member of the Dominican Sisters of Peace. She has a master’s degree in pastoral ministry from Boston College and a master’s in pastoral studies with a concentration in Scripture from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago.
Spiritual Direction